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An honest journey

Weigh-in and Keto Extreme conclusion

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by , 10-24-2013 at 01:15 AM (356 Views)
Dear reader,

For the last 10 days I have been going on an Extreme low-carb diet (Sort of like a Paleo Diet) to see what would happen. There were some strange sides in the beginning like upset stomach and such. When I added Clenbuterol I started drinking massive amounts of water and of course some small muscle cramps which is a usual side effect of Clen usage. The question is if it was worth it? I am still evaluating this but from what I can tell using a CKD diet, which is what I am going on now, allows for more careless cheat days. As we know, all diets are highly personal and what works for me might not work for you. Without further ado here are the numbers after going on this 10 day craze.

So how did I feel. I really felt fine after the first few days and the fat was burning like nothing I have ever felt before. Energy levels were fine and would it not have been for a head cold I still have I would have pushed cardio also.

9/21/2013 9/30/2013 10/7/2013 10/24/2013
153.2 167.3 159.8 152.2
69.5 75.9 72.5 69.05
-1.7 14.1 6.6 -1
-0.76 6.4 3.4 -0.45
After Vacation Under pre vacation

I think this is going quite well if I may say so myself. Only about 5.5lb left to lose before starting a CKD bulk.

Stay safe!
