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The Titan99

Being accused of using steroids?

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by , 12-12-2012 at 04:49 AM (1058 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
Quote Originally Posted by DanB

Hey doc lets psychoanalyse the typical skinny fat people in the gym who stare and constantly ask about AAS

My theory is that they cant understand why they arent making improvements with their average 99% of population 3 meal a day and half arsed workouts followed by 20min cardio without breaking sweat, they dont want to face the fact that they arent physically or mentally strong enough to get into shape, so instead of being envious, they are in fact jealous and bitter and thinking ''its only the steroids that make him look like that, i could do the same but im a better man for not using them'' and all that usual bullshit from people making excuses to themselves for being in piss poor shape

doc do you concur?
To some degree you are correct Dan. In many cases it comes down to misguided expectations and perceptions. All too often, people have the "get it now, get it quick" mentality. Surrounded by technology and convenience, people forget that somethings take TIME. We have seen it often in this forum. Guys coming here looking to "gain 20lbs as fast as possible" or "leaning out from 20%bf to 8% in 30 days". They think there is a magic pill for this and forget that a solid work ethic and dedication to proper nutrition and health/fitness are the only things that will promote lasting change. It's the same thing every year after January 1st. Our community gyms "bloat" with new members, often making a New Year's "resolution" (instead of a life changing commitment") to lose weight and get in shape. They figure it'll happen in three months....and when it doesn't they QUIT (not all, but most). They don't realize it takes a long term commitment to diet AND exercise (and 90 days isn't long term, lol).

To your point, yes, some people will see the buffed guy and assume, "he must be a juice head", yet fail to realize that possibly his nutrition and exercise are just as (or more) responsible for his physique. We'll all agree that there certainly are many users of steroids, but those with real knowledge in this area understand that it takes much more than a bunch of injections or a handful of pills to develop lean muscle mass and lower bf - it takes a real commitment to diet and exercise and it takes TIME.

I've seen many guys that blow up one year and two years later are about as big as my five year old son! It wasn't that the steroids didn't work, it was simply that they had the wrong mind set and no real commitment.

Steroids or no steroids. People need to realize and understand they are no magic pills, no quick solutions. If you want to achieve strength, an attractive physique, and a healthy lifestyle, you have to realign your thinking from short term to long term and make a lifestyle decision to avoid the crap that made you weak and unhealthy to begin with.

Instead of taking responsibility for their own health, many people would rather point their finger at someone else. Instead of asking "what can I do to make changes in my health and fitness", sometimes it's easier to accuse someone of "cheating". Yes, steroids will help us reach our goals, but not before a commitment to nutrition and exercise, which is what many people lack. Too many people make excuses: "I'm too tired; I have no time; it's too expensive; it's to far to go to the gym; I don't have time to cook;", and so on and so forth. Every person has 24 hours in a day. No more, no less. It's what you chose to do with those 24 hours that sets people apart.
