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The Titan99

Expert advice - Anavar only.

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by , 10-16-2012 at 05:14 AM (625 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by Striving4Aesthetics View Post
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I see some others stating they are going to do Anavar only cycles and get spoon fed like a champ. Yet I have proposed a more than decent cycle yet can't get any opinions, thoughts or advice? Would seriously appreciate it.
I just thought of a perfect analogy for this way over thought topic. Say your a cowboy. A real one. Working cowboy. Test E is a horse. Anavar, masteron, dbol etc. are Bolivian Yak's. Your asking other very experienced cowboys if it would be smart to buy a Yak for working the Ponderosa. They are all saying "You need a horse, just buy a horse." You heard that somewhere, someone could do everything every other cowboy could do, only better, riding a Yak. You keep asking, over and over, till you find some wannabe cowboy from New York City who says a Yak is a fine working animal and they use only Yak's for roping riding and rounding up cattle. You latch onto this one guy, disregarding every other REAL cowboy and decide on the Yak. It's just that ridiculous from where I'm sitting,and don't worry, your not alone. It happens on here every day.

Now, you want to be a cowboy, get a horse. Learn to ride the thing and do some real, constructive work. Later you can try to ride a Yak or a pig or a fvcking water buffalo, (although by that time you'll see what I'm seeing and drop it).

Anyone scared of a needle doesn't know how to squat. That's REALLY uncomfortable. If your scared people will think your taking AAS, don't take them. If you do it correctly everyone will know anyway, if you dick around and fvck it up, yhour just wasting your time and risking your health/dick/balls for nothing.

This is what God knows and you will too one day. Good luck.
