Hello All,
I have been watching this forum for some time and this is my first post...

I am writing to see if anyone knows if the use of anabolic steroids will improve athletic performance in activities such as vertical jump, 40 yard dash, and the explosive Olympic lifts.

I am working towards becoming a better shot putter and have put off the use of anabolics for a few years until I was older and closer to my natural potential. I am now a few years into my 20's and would like to increase my power output. This summer I plan to use a lifting program based mainly around the olympic lifts (snatches, cleans, jerks) and a few power and auxillary lifts (bench press, squat, dead lifts, pulling exercises).

I believe a program based around olympic-style lifting is focused on explosiveness, but I am not sure if anabolic's full potential is being utilized because the muscle's time-under-tension (TOT) is so small compared to so many of the conventional bodybuilder "slow and controlled" lifts. I am not sure as to whether or not steroids can easily discriminate between developing power and overall strength and muscular development, even though they often go hand in hand.

Has anyone had a successful cycle where they focused mainly on explosive olympics style lifting or am I going in the wrong direction.

Thank you for your time.
Best Regards,