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Thread: cyclist???

  1. #1
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    hey guys i'm from a cycling back ground and i like to do running also. but i was wondering if anyone out there does simliar activties and if so what gear do you take???? i was thinking sust 250 with winstrol ????

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    t-gunz's Avatar
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    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    yeah i bike and run but i don't use gear anymore.

    **** winny it's really hard on your joints. i would only take a low dose of test only if you are looking to get or maintain muscle mass and run/bike ALOT- like 5+ miles a day running and like a few hours a day+ cycling.

    if you give me your goals i can tell you what you may or may not like, but i can't really tell you anything without knowing what you wanna do.

    **also tell me how tall you are and how much you weight (and your lifts if you feel comfortable giving that information).
    Last edited by J.S.N.; 10-04-2006 at 10:02 PM.

  4. #4
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    btw here's an article in outside magazine where a guy tried some performance enhancing drugs and describes their effects. he was training for paris-brest-paris, which IMO is prolly the second most grueling bike race after the race across america (RAAM)

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    t-gunz's Avatar
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    i run 3 -4 times a week about 40 mins each. and cycle about 4-5 times a weekn about an hour of more. i cover about 400 ish km a week on cycling. i'm a solid build. i have strong legs. my goal is to become bigger and really ripped. after every run of cycle i do situps and push ups and i have noticed it already strenght and size. i'm 178 cm tall and i weight 82.6kg and it said i have 18.5 % bf which is alot but i doesn't look bad on me if you know waht i mean. this is all without gear.

  6. #6
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    what's a kg?

    j/k meng

    first thing i would do is split up your strength training sessions and your running/cycling. even after you do fluff cardio (far burn stuff which is @~130bpm for most young adults) it can really affect your strength training. i would find a way to do pullups as well, or if you want to get bigger establish an actual weight routine. as for putting them apart, either do the strength exercizes first (although situps can cause you to cramp when you running/cycling), or split them up so there is at least 2 hours and a meal between them.

    one thing to keep in mind is that if you cut down to 12% bodyfat (which is about where the abs start to show for most people) you would weight ~10kg's less, and @72.5 kg's at your height, you could easily make natural gains if you cut back on cardio.

    but, if you're dead set on keeping up with your running and cycling @ your current pace, test @ 300-400mg's/week might work. definite things to avoid would be any oral because they'll destroy you endurance and produce pumps that will make you unable to run and ride. there are some other compounds that are mild you could run, but most people will run test their first cycle to see how their body reacts to it, and it's the best base for any cycle.

  7. #7
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    i don't see how i can go down to 72.5 kg cause thats 10kg. my legs are massive not bragging or nothing.

  8. #8
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    sorry m8 i meant 5 kilo i musta been thinking in pounds we don't use kg's in america lol.

  9. #9
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    hah thats cool i was bit worried. cause i noticed doing the running cycling and push ups and situps that i haven't lost weight. i got the scales that tell you what your body fat is. 7 days ago i was 83.6kg with 22.7% bf and today i was 82.6 with 18.5% i've been eating well and training hard. i'm proud of myslef. does taht sound right with the bf difference???

  10. #10
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    i'm not worried about the weight just the body fat cause i want to get ripped

  11. #11
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    first thing you wanna do is go into the diet forum and post your diet. diet is seriously 99% of getting ripped.

  12. #12
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    The thing is i have a good diet. the food i eat are good but there not set out. i have oats in the morining like every morninig then pasta and lean meat one day chicken the next fish it's all good. just not set out how alot of guys on here have it. if you know what i mean? i live at home so mum cooks only good healthy meals for me!

  13. #13
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    The thing is i have a good diet. the food i eat are good but there not set out. i have oats in the morining like every morninig then pasta and lean meat one day chicken the next fish it's all good. just not set out how alot of guys on here have it. if you know what i mean? i live at home so mum cooks only good healthy meals for me!
    trust me my friend keep a log of everything you eat tomorrow and post it- you may be surprised the things that could be blowing your diet. for starters the oats and pasta aren't good cutting foods. once you reach your ideal weight then they're fine after cardio but when you're trying to get shredded they're a big smelly no-no.

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