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  1. #1
    bon_rugby26 is offline New Member
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    May 2009

    Angry helpp i wanna hit the gym and take streroids for rugby use

    hi to all i'm a rugby player here in italy i play rugby since i was 13 i just wanna get big and hit harder in the field cuz i always get nailed in other guys in the field i feel a piece of shit all the time i never gan muscle all of my life so i wanna try hit steroids and gym for this coming summer and be ready for the next season i'm just asking some help here tnx p.s this is my stats

    heigth 172cm
    weight 83kg most me dumb fat
    i play flanker or prop depends to my shit head coach

    pls reply i realy need some advice here

  2. #2
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    Welcome to the forums

    You might want to put some more informaton about yourself such as your age and diet. If you are having problems growing then your diet most likely will be the problem.

    Also you look like you are in a rush to do something without doing research on it. You got to know what you are putting into your body first before you start anything. I would check out the diet thread and the workout thread and see if things are good there first. Then you can move to learning more about steroids "only if you are of the right age"

  3. #3
    bon_rugby26 is offline New Member
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    May 2009
    this is my info i'm 19 yrs i weight 83kg and height is 172cm i'm just having trouble to do my things here since i play rugby for almost 5 years i wanna improve stuffs like getting bigger and stronger if i try this stuff its my first time hitting the gym and taking this stuff so i need good advice here cuz i heard bad things in streroids but i will take that risk so i can achieved my goals and show those ****erz what i'm made of

  4. #4
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008
    Oh no, i know thier's going to be a comment on the 19 years of age.

  5. #5
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    This thread will help you out

    When you SHOULDN'T use AAS imho....

  6. #6
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    Mar 2005
    all about building the wheels...squats powercleans dead lifts and EATING!!!!

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