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Thread: Gear for rugby

  1. #1
    gunstar is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009

    Gear for rugby

    Hi Guys!
    I'm new here, so bear with me please. My question is this:
    I play professional rugby for a team in the UK. 4 years ago i suffered a serious motorbike accident and nearly lost my leg. Needless to say it was a very long haul back to playing again. I played the season before last for our second team, moving from the wing into flyhalf position(my old school position) to reduce my game pace, suffering only a quad pull for the season. HOWEVER when i then moved up a gear last season i found myself pulling everything in sight! All on the "bad" leg unsurprisingly. Having had some long talks with our physio, it seems that my muscle balance is still really poor in my duff leg. What i need i think is to beef my legs up before the season starts with more emphasis on my weaker side. Not only that but an extra 10-15 pounds of muscle would be really helpfull.

    Which brings me to- what to use guys? We are tested sporadically, and although i've not been tested in 8 years of high level play, i'm not keen on getting banned- so no Nandrolone or any other long lasting stuff. Really i think i need a course of something that can really put on some good lean muscle and then clear out reasonably fast.

    I'm not looking for a lecture on drugs in sport- i'm an experienced player who needs help. At the moment my contract sucks as i've been on the mend for so long, i can easily make first team and decent money if my leg is good. If not, i'll be re-training as a physio!!

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    gates of hell
    first post, welcome to the AR forums.

    Many AAS can help you add a little mass and strength. Im assuming from your post above this sounds like the first time using AAS? In general, and the fact this is your first time, I would recommend testosterone . And in your case test prop, as the clearance is 2-3wks for drug testing. And as far as bringing up a weaker leg that is a training issue.

  3. #3
    gunstar is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thanks for your reply- i've made some good progress with my physio since i posted. I'm going to try to keep it to creatine, glutamine and protein for the time being, and just work on getting the weak leg up to speed before trying the alternatives i think.
    Thanks again.

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