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Thread: Bulking help!

  1. #1
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    Bulking help!

    ATM I'm 205 lbs, 12% bf


    3 whole eggs
    1 1/2 cups of oat meal mixed with a 50 gram protein shake (optimum whey)
    1 banana

    8-12 oz chicken breast (depending on the size)
    2 cups whole wheat pasta

    Pre workout
    50 gram whey shake
    4 slices rye toast with 2 Tbsp. grape jam

    Post workout
    75 grams of carbs from ultra fuel mixed with 50 grams whey


    1 chicken breast (8-12 oz.)
    1 sweet potato or cup of brown rice
    1 cup peas, corn and carrots

    Water intake is over a gallon a day

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    specific goals?

    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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  3. #3
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    just putting on nice mass



    Behind the head military 8-6-4-1
    Power Military 8-6-4-1
    DB shurgs 3x 16
    DB shoulder press
    Reverse grip DB shoulder press
    DB Lat raises
    Bi's n tris


    Squat 8-6-4-1
    Power squat 8-6-4-1
    Front squat 8-6-4-1
    lunges 8-6-4
    Hamstring curls 8-6-4
    Quad extensions 8-6-4


    Bench 8-6-4-1
    Power bench 8-6-4-1
    Reverse grip power bench 8-6-4-1
    Incline 2x 5
    Incline DB fly 8-6-4
    Bis tris


    Power cleans 3x5
    Deads 8-6-4-1
    straiht leg deads 8-6-4-1
    RDLs 8-6-4-1
    Good mornings
    Pullups- fewest sets to 40 reps

    Also before bed i throw in a 50 gram casein shake

    My daily totals are over 330 G protein and about 300 carbs, I'm very carb sensitive in my stomach so I havent broke 400 carbs in a while because I feel so bloated but I'm not gaining weight anymore so I feel like i need to go more towards 400 G a day. I never bloat anywhere except in my face and stomach.
    Last edited by RB3232; 07-11-2011 at 10:01 AM.

  4. #4
    RB3232's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Your diet needs a complete overhaul mate.

    Start by reading these two threads:

    From there, you should be able to compose a good bulking diet. However, in order to properly assist you, include the time of each meal, along with the macronutrient break down of your food items (Protein, Carbs, Fats, Total calories) at each meal.

    Putting on mass is almost entirely going to be determined by your diet. As per your actual training program that you have listed if it is working for you then continue but realize there is no such thing as a cookie cutter training protocol, otherwise everyone at the gym would be doing the exact same thing and there would only be 3-4 different machines, which is obviously not the case.

    I feel these concepts though are universal to training as it pertains to bodybuilding

    (1) Show up, do what you have planned, and get out in a timely fashion

    (2) Make every second of every rep of every set count. Don't get distracted, focus, mind-muscle connection otherwise before you know it your going to be using your arms 99% of the time for back exercises and throwing your shoulders/back about looking like a clown on biceps, etc.

    (3) Don't sidetrack, kindof along the lines of (1). If your buddy wants you to try some random lift or whatever, or a guy wants to have a 1hr conversation with you, politely remove yourself from these kinds of situations. Experimentation is for a rest day or with a personal trainer, and Starbucks is for having convos.

    (4) Do the big 3 - Deadlifts, Squats, Bench Press.

    (5) Give yourself rest. Recovery builds muscle, not when your at the gym. 2 days of recovery is what a lot of people do, although some get away with 1 or 3. See what works for yourself

    (6) Variation is key. If you do the same exercises in the same order for the same reps x sets on the same day inevitably you will plateau. If you can do another 1-2 reps even though according to your program your only suppose to do X reps, then DO THE EXTRA - otherwise your just selling yourself short. An extra rep builds a little extra muscle. Change the order you do your exercises in, reverse your training week, try new exercises, etc.

  6. #6
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the help guy, ill make a new post shortly!

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