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Thread: Test Levels

  1. #1
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Test Levels

    Any input would be helpfull. I have been a natural Bodybuilder for 6 yrs. I recently went to the doctor to have blood work done. My test levels came back low. About 190. I have been dieting pretty hard core for about 7 months. No Fats besides what i get from red meat 3 times per week and muscle milk before bed. I am a busy person work 11 hrs a day 5days per wk. A couple kids at home and make time to train for about 1 and 1/2 hr per day 5 days a week. So the doc wants to prescribe androderm. This is the form of a patch. I am having a hard time wanting to change the natural hormones in my body. Do you think my diet could be the culprit of low test levels. Maybe my sleep. I sleep about 6 hrs a night during the week. More on the weekend. If you looked at a picture of me you would not think i have low test. I look like i work out with my shirt off. I must admit i am scared of doing a steroid cycle now as with low test it may be difficult to even get my levels back. I would love any input from any off you about how to maybe bring my natural test levels up without the use of testosterone .

  2. #2
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    hmm not sure what would bring your test up naturally but im sure people on this board do. my suggestion is to go to your local supplement store and pick up a moderate "test booster" .

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    So here is the other deal. I certainly am not a monster in the gym but i would say above average. I have people asking me now what i am taking as far as juice goes. Mabe this would give a better idea. I am 5"4, 140 lbs. I bench 225 For 5 reps. Squat 225 For 20 reps. Dead lift 225 for 25 to 30 reps. So i am certainly no monster but have a hard time understanding how i could be doing this with low test.

  4. #4
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    I would embrace it, I can't wait till I am 35 so I can get HRT! Sounds like you are buying into the media hype alittle bit to much bro, plus you will be under a doctors care, I say go for it. It's not going to kill you or mess your body up, and if you don't like it you can always stop treatment.

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Well I see your point. So if i take these patches and use them do you think they will suppress my natural test. The little that i supposedly have?

  6. #6
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    Yes, but you don't need your body to be producing as much while you have that, also if you discontinue treatment you will have a PCT, so your body will start producing again.

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Do you think these patches would help me develop more muscle?

  8. #8
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    Yeah, but you won't get results like if you were running 500mg of test e a week.

    I think the biggest thing you'll notice, is more energy, better libdio, etc...

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Well i guess a little boost is better than nothing. So these patches are 14.3 mg but i believe you only absorb about 2.5. Any idea were that could put my test range?

  10. #10
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    Sorry I'm not that educated on that, what I can tell ya though, is most men in their early to late 20's produce naturally around 70mg of test a week, hopefully that will give you an idea once someone else chimes in.

  11. #11
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    Have you talked to your doc. about getting shots of test?

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    I think that is more solid advice. I will give the doc a call and see about the shots. the doc did mention the shots were the cheaper way to go.

  13. #13
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    plus with the shots you can get more test, I've heard a lot of complaints about the patch

  14. #14
    Teegunn's Avatar
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    Do the shots. Self inject. Will save a ton of $. Test is cheap. Visits to the Doc's office for a weekly shot aren't. Anywhere from 100 to 200 mg of Cyp once a week will probably suffice. Like others have said - you won't blow up like on a heavy test cycle at those amounts, but your test levels will rise to the high-normal range making you feel and recover better overall. Of course an anti-E (adex) and maybe HCG every so often will be needed just to keep things running properly.

  15. #15
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    That's the right attitude, enjoy it, it will only improve your daily living. Androderm is very unpredictable, it allowed me to vary my levels by how much I was using, between the 300's to a high in the 1100's. I used three 5mg. patches a day. I'm 6'3" @230lbs @15% @40yrs old, training 18 years.
    I'm now on Test-Cyp, Androderm scarred my legs, and I always had to stay shaved so they would stick better. Tell your doctor your skin is having a bad reaction to the topical approach, whether it be Androderm or Androgel it's the same thing, basically. I used Androderm for 14 months. Injection are so freeing, you are never tied down by those stupid patches. Worrying if someone in the gym see's your patch. The patches used to slide off my legs during cardio.
    Good luck,
    p.s. Enjoy the return to youth and the great boners too.

    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    I would embrace it, I can't wait till I am 35 so I can get HRT! Sounds like you are buying into the media hype alittle bit to much bro, plus you will be under a doctors care, I say go for it. It's not going to kill you or mess your body up, and if you don't like it you can always stop treatment.

  16. #16
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    If I was at your gym, I'd run over, pick up your patch and put it on, LOL

  17. #17
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    I went back to the doc yesterday. Doc scheduled me for another appointment in about 6 weeks. Doc says if my test levels are still low i can get the shot. Good news!! The bad deal is i was anxious to start my cycle and i have self administered one shot already. I want to get an accurate blood test in 6 weeks. If i just stop now would i need to use clomid or anything to get natural test back to normal? The shot was only 1/2 cc Test 250 enanthate . I ask because I don't want to mess up any of the gains that i have already made over the years. Any advise? Thanks

  18. #18
    200byjune's Avatar
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    your test levels will a little lower. its a risk but i would take another shot and no pct so its a sure thing. thats wat i would do

  19. #19
    bfsparty is offline Junior Member
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    If you have to jones to do test, then go the route of a solid HRT clinic (FLA), they do your bloodwork, ( or use forward you bloodwork to them for free, insurance covered) will get you fine gear, legally, they provide PCT as well. Plus you get the benefit of chatting with the consultants for questions, and can also call the compounding pharmacist and ask him/her as well. F'ing rocks, and peace of mind is everything, as it sounds like you may be wigging a tad....I know, I have been there my man!

    Your test levels may have been low since you work out so much, at least that is what I have been told. Good luck, and do that homework..

  20. #20
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    take it from an older guy (55) are doing really well in the are not looking to are just going to get your test level back to where it was....teegun and aaron are right about sticking instead of slapping....and if you do what some of us do and stick twice per week it seems to be a constant....there is no big high or low....for me i feel lucky that medicine can do it and i can get educated here on what to do and expect...,

  21. #21
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Yes, I am wigging out a little. No i do not want to be on HRT unless i need to be. This is why it is important to me to get an accurate test in 6 weeks. So I am going to cut my workouts to 4 days a week between now and the test. I am also going to get more sleep. I will keep my nutrition perfect as always. I am going to just trash the cycle i was going to start. I have plenty of gear for future cycles. As for the one shot i did take. Will it suppress my test levels at all? I appreciate all of the comments. They did make me feel better. Thanks again.

  22. #22
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    I felt the same way about TRT before I started treatment. Now, I think why didn't I start earlier. I feel much better. I can focus. My sex drive is back. I enjoy life. My gym time is productive. At 6ft1, I went from 186lbs to 206lbs with a 32 waist in 4 months.

    Nothing to lose really. Try it. You can stop at anytime. I doubt you will. Great book to read is The Testosterone Syndrome.

    What kind of shot did you take? If it was deca than yeah. If it was test I would say no.

    Go for the needles. Tell him that you think your gf/wife might be pregnant and they will only do needles.
    Last edited by FallenWyvern; 04-03-2008 at 08:40 PM.

  23. #23
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    That's the right attitude, enjoy it, it will only improve your daily living. Androderm is very unpredictable, it allowed me to vary my levels by how much I was using, between the 300's to a high in the 1100's. I used three 5mg. patches a day. I'm 6'3" @230lbs @15% @40yrs old, training 18 years.
    I'm now on Test-Cyp, Androderm scarred my legs, and I always had to stay shaved so they would stick better. Tell your doctor your skin is having a bad reaction to the topical approach, whether it be Androderm or Androgel it's the same thing, basically. I used Androderm for 14 months. Injection are so freeing, you are never tied down by those stupid patches. Worrying if someone in the gym see's your patch. The patches used to slide off my legs during cardio.
    Good luck,
    p.s. Enjoy the return to youth and the great boners too.
    Never got to hear how much better the needles were than the patches? Did you notice the difference in the first week otto?

  24. #24
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    It was 1/2 cc test 250

  25. #25
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    They did make me feel better. Thanks again.
    I don't think one shot would suppress your levels. And yes at 190 they should make you feel much, much better.

  26. #26
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Thanks Bro, Feel better already!!

  27. #27
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Fallen is right...alot of things will sharpen...and you will wonder why you resisted....

  28. #28
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    I understand what you guys are saying about feeling better and resisting. Here is the deal though. I want to see were my test levels truly are. I would rather be doing cycles and getting my test levels back to normal after the cycle if that is possible. That is why i need to determine if my test levels are just low or if they are low simply because i have been over training. It would not make sense to shut down my natural test if i can still produce it on my own. I guess there will only be one way to find out. As i said before. I am going to stay clean for the next 6 weeks. Eat perfect and rest allot. I will continue to work out intense 4 days a week. So i guess we will see in six weeks. All of your input has been allot of help. I really do appreciate it. I feel better and i am not wigging anymore. Thanks again.

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