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  1. #1
    kermy_Frog is offline New Member
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    Testostrone Replacement Therapy


    Need some input. New to the steroid thing so go easy on me here
    Dr. prescribed Androgel for TRT (taking 50 mg test per day topical rub). Is it even worth bothering with it or should I just do 100-150 mg Cypionate (or something like it) per week? At that dose what kind of side effects would one generally expect (hair loss is my main concern, like it the way that it is)? I know that it may vary but a ball park idea would help. this is just TRT not looking for monster gains in the gym. Already happy with my fitness levels and don't want to put on a ton of mass. Thinking about taking 50 mg Anavar with it. Input anyone?

    Age: 47
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    192-196 LBS (depends on the day)
    Last edited by kermy_Frog; 07-17-2010 at 02:32 PM.

  2. #2
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    If it was my choice I would go with test c or e.

  3. #3
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    You'll get better responses here: maybe a Mod will move it for you.

    I use Test-Cyp for TRT, started on patches, siniliar to your Androgel , waste of time, messy, varied blood results. One time I pulled an 1100ng/dl from patching, and then there were other times I got results in the 87 range. my lab ranges are frm 225-1100ng/dl. I can keep my levels more stable with weekly injections as opposed to daily treatment.
    Good luck,
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 07-17-2010 at 02:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    You are the right age, your goals are to maintain, you've been working our for years. My two cents.... to start, I'd go with the androgel . the thing with TRT is that once you start, you generally don't come off. No pct. I'd start with that. See how it goes. It's probably a good idea to understand what adding the variable "androgel" does and what impact it has. Once you have been doing that for a few months, and understand what it does, then if you want to add var, you would certainly be ready. Var has some pretty mild sides, and it's a slow progressive lbm additive. 20mg 2x every day would be a good start. You can always bump that, but var is pretty expensive. you may be happy with that, and then no need to start with pinning. I'm 48 and I've taken var up to 40mg 2x every day, and that's probably as high as you want to take it. but you've been doing this for years, so just take it slow and understand what it each new thing you take does to your body. And the other thing? You already know this, but as you age, your tendons and ligiments weaken, so manage your strength gains slowly so that these connecting tissues can keep up.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    You are the right age, your goals are to maintain, you've been working our for years. My two cents.... to start, I'd go with the androgel. the thing with TRT is that once you start, you generally don't come off. No pct. I'd start with that. See how it goes. It's probably a good idea to understand what adding the variable "androgel" does and what impact it has. Once you have been doing that for a few months, and understand what it does, then if you want to add var, you would certainly be ready. Var has some pretty mild sides, and it's a slow progressive lbm additive. 20mg 2x every day would be a good start. You can always bump that, but var is pretty expensive. you may be happy with that, and then no need to start with pinning. I'm 48 and I've taken var up to 40mg 2x every day, and that's probably as high as you want to take it. but you've been doing this for years, so just take it slow and understand what it each new thing you take does to your body. And the other thing? You already know this, but as you age, your tendons and ligiments weaken, so manage your strength gains slowly so that these connecting tissues can keep up.
    or pinning a low dose weekly instead of androgel . more consistency as per the gentleman above me pointed out.

  7. #7
    kermy_Frog is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input. I like the safe, slow approach advice. I'll take the Androgel for a month and see what happens (it was free through my Dr. anyway) If my levels don’t go up significantly then I will try the other route. 40 mg's of Anavar sounds great, I had one guy tell me that I needed to do "at least 80 mg's per day" to see any effect at all. Sounded high to me.
    Last edited by kermy_Frog; 07-17-2010 at 05:23 PM.

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