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Thread: estrogen levels

  1. #1
    clb1 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006

    estrogen levels

    I have been on hrt for about 2 1/2 yrs androgel for the 1st 6 mo felt a little better then switched to test e 200 mg every 2 wks with great resuts. in those 3 yrs i have not had estrogen levels checked til now. i go back to dr fri to discuss result and just wanted to know what the levels should be and if they are high what i should reccomend to my dr as to what anti estrogen to take. he is a family practice guy who is not real up on hrt but is also an iraq war vet and surgeon who is very willing to do whatever he thinks will help. any info would be greatly appreciated thx alot. ps what are the symptoms if any of high estrogen levels

  2. #2
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Around the 30 mark is good. I'd say anything between 20-40 is acceptable. Above 40 and you may want to start looking into a light anti-E script and then retest in about 6 weeks. Higher numbers may need a more aggressive dosage. Think most of us use Anastrozole.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Ditto on the Anastrozole. Same as Arimidex but WAY cheaper! FYI- Should you start an AI at any point, just be careful of your dosage. Many docs are unfamiliar with it and will prescribe 1mg daily and that's WAAAAAY too much. Most here use .5 to .25 EOD. Once I got my E2 in line, I went to .25 twice a week and that seems to work just fine for me.

  4. #4
    clb1 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    thanks alot for the info i will let you know how it goes

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    agree with all said above about the numbers...but u feel MORE IMPORTANT...and u said u have great results and i didnt hear any complaints in your post ....

    SO...imo, if u came out with a 45 or 50....i wouldnt add another compound...i would continue to monitor how i feel and also continue to monitor the numbers...everyone is different

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