Started a new thread here - not sure whether I was hijacking jay's thread. Anyway Kel, my E2 is 494 pmol/l (134 pg/ml). The sweet spot often quoted is 20 - 30 pg/ml. So this is 5 times higher than it should be. I am amazed that the E2 could have rebounded in a month to this extent. (I took no adex for a month after overdosing mistakenly, so the E2 could recover. Well it's hard to believe it is that high. This week I have taken 1mg AZ. Maybe the same next week. Then maybe 0.75mg the following week and 0.5 the week after. What do you think? Had no success with chrysin earlier. Have been on 50 mg zinc/day, but have not tried DIM. At x 5 the ideal level, I thought it needed knocking back in a hurry?? I hope to end up on 50 mg T/wk (70 is too much by blood tests) - I need 1000iu/wk hcg - and hopefully 0.25mg AZ/wk going on earlier experience. But I will need more tests to see where I'm at. What do you think. JH.