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  1. #1
    spwob is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    discontinue-scheme after a short term TRT


    need your professional advice concerning the following discontinue-scheme after a short term TRT.

    I injected Enanthate 50mg e3d from August 23 until November 4 (11 weeks total).

    I stopped (I will do a full bloodwork in February when I am fully recovered to ascertain the needness of a TRT).

    My discontinue-scheme began 2 weeks after the last injection.
    50mg Clomid from Nov 20 until November 27 (together with total 3 injections HCG IU500 e3d)
    25mg Clomid from Nov 28 until Dec 19

    Problem is, I already run out of Clomid.

    Am I ok with this or should I continue taking Clomid?

    Thank you a lot!!
    Last edited by spwob; 12-21-2016 at 04:42 PM.

  2. #2
    BRUTAL is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I would advice to continue run your PCT like this:

    Clomid 75/50/50/50 (mg/day ED per each week)
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 (mg/day ED per each week)

    HCG while on PCT is counter-productive, so in your specific case as you have ran out of clomid and you do not have your nolvadex on hand, I encourage you continue with HCG shots untill your PCT meds arrive again (I assume you will organize that if you want proper chance at recovering)

    and then when your clomid and nolva arrives discontinue running of HCG and give it ~1-2 weeks break, then start your nolva and clomid PCT.

    After you're done with your PCT give your body at least 2 months break and then do your bloods to see if you have recovered and where you stand

  3. #3
    spwob is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Hi BRUTAL,

    thanks a lot for your advice. Actually, I run out of stock of HCG as well.
    I have to wait 2 weeks to get new Clomid.

    When I continue with Clomid beginning of January (as soon as I receive it), how long should I take it until my PCT is finished.

    Please note, I did 50mg e3d for 11 weeks only.

    I am looking forward to your reply!
    Thank you!

  4. #4
    BRUTAL is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dec 2014
    if you have ran out of HCG , do not worry about HCG no more, unless in the future your PCT does not prove to be successful you can at a later date be advised to do a full power-pct which will include HCG in a protocol but it may not be necessary so for now, just get your CLOMID and NOLVADEX

    Run it like this:

    Week #1 Clomid EveryDay 75mg / Nolvadex EveryDay 40mg
    Week #2 Clomid EveryDay 50mg / Nolvadex EveryDay 20mg
    Week #3 Clomid EveryDay 50mg / Nolvadex EveryDay 20mg
    Week #4 Clomid EveryDay 50mg / Nolvadex EveryDay 20mg

    PS, me reading/replying late is not best idea, I miss a point or two so please ask twice if I do again, I see you did 11 week E3D clomid at low dosage. you may be close to recovery if it worked but likely you are still shut down to some extent, as HCG and clomid work in a different ways counteracting each other so you may not have done the best job right there. I would still advice re-start a full proper PCT as listed here ^

    Besides, ONLY USE PHARMACY GRADE CLOMID AND NOLVADEX , DO NOT TRUST OR RELY ON UGL BRANDS. SERMS are not so expensive and its only availability question not the price, but potency may very alot PHARMA vs UGL so just you do not waste your time taking half dosed or placebo chalk pills vs 100% pharmacy grade

    good luck
    Last edited by BRUTAL; 12-22-2016 at 06:28 PM.

  5. #5
    spwob is offline New Member
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    Jul 2016
    I see you did 11 week E3D clomid at low dosage
    Nope, the other way:
    I did 11 weeks TRT: 50mg Enanthate 50mg e3d
    I did only 4 weeks PCT: Clomid 25-50mg everyday

    Thank you a very lot for your professional advice.
    I will receive new Clomid and Nolvadex in 2 weeks and run it for 6 weeks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Unless you are experiencing some sort of problem, I would not do anything at all. Just wait.

    You took very little. You already did four weeks of clomid. Just wait a few weeks (months) and see how things go. Retest in February as you planned.

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