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Thread: 35 Year Old Starting TRT - Blast Suggestions?

  1. #1
    skid_ofshame's Avatar
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    35 Year Old Starting TRT - Blast Suggestions?

    General History:

    Was getting back into lifting and planning a first cycle. Got my blood tested for a baseline and was shocked how low my test was. Fast forward 8 months... I've had more tests, all with the same conclusions. Total Test and Free Test less than what is listed as normal for 100 year old men, according to this chart:
    35 Year Old Starting TRT - Blast Suggestions?-test1-1.jpg

    I've tried going through the "proper" channels, and it ain't going to happen. Like I said in one of my previous posts, TRT isn't really a thing in Canada. So, I found a guy to set me up with what I need.

    The Protocol:
    Test E: 150mg/wk (2x 75mg)
    HCG : As needed
    Arimidex : As needed

    A few questions regarding HCG in particular. I don't plan on having any more kids, so I could care less if my nuts shrink or stop working. There seems to be some debate online as to whether HCG is required for health reasons or if it is just for cosmetics. If it is beneficial for other health reasons, I might include it at a low dose with my regular shots. Hoping for more info/feedback on that. I also have clomid and nolva on hand in case I ever decide to try and go back off the exogenous test.

    I was planning on running just the Test for 6 weeks and getting a blood test to see where things are and adjust from there. First pin was last night. Much more scary to think about than to actually do, though my guy was right about the DOMS from the injection.

    If things go well, I will likely do a few blasts. Suggestions for the first blast? It would also be my first ever cycle. Maybe just up the test to 500mg/wk for 12 weeks first time, per the usual recommendation? After that I was thinking deca /dbol to bulk and primo/var to cut. I've got a crap ton of joint problems, so I'm thinking winny might not be a good idea, despite it commonly being referred to as better (and cheaper) than var. Scared straight about Tren on account of some horror stories from guys I know.

    Last edited by skid_ofshame; 12-23-2018 at 06:13 AM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I'll come back to this but quickly, HCG is a huge benefit when on TRT. Take some time and read the stickies at the top of this forum.
    Cycling is not recommended at least until you are dialed in with TRT and obtain relatively consistent levels over several blood draws. Just optimizing your current levels will do wonders for you when combined with proper nutrition and training.

    Then read the Successful First Cycle thread at the top of the AAS Q & A Forum.

    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
    Chrisp83TRT is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid_ofshame View Post
    General History:

    Was getting back into lifting and planning a first cycle. Got my blood tested for a baseline and was shocked how low my test was. Fast forward 6 months... I've had more tests, all with the same conclusions. Total Test and Free Test less than what is listed as normal for 100 year old men, according to this chart:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	test1-1.jpg 
Views:	281 
Size:	78.7 KB 
ID:	175213

    I've tried going through the "proper" channels, and it ain't going to happen. Like I said in one of my previous posts, TRT isn't really a thing in Canada. So, I found a guy to set me up with what I need.

    The Protocol:
    Test E: 150mg/wk (2x 75mg)
    HCG : As needed
    Arimidex : As needed

    A few questions regarding HCG in particular. I don't plan on having any more kids, so I could care less if my nuts shrink or stop working. There seems to be some debate online as to whether HCG is required for health reasons or if it is just for cosmetics. If it is beneficial for other health reasons, I might include it at a low dose with my regular shots. Hoping for more info/feedback on that. I also have clomid and nolva on hand in case I ever decide to try and go back off the exogenous test.

    I was planning on running just the Test for 6 weeks and getting a blood test to see where things are and adjust from there. First pin was last night. Much more scary to think about than to actually do, though my guy was right about the DOMS from the injection.

    If things go well, I will likely do a few blasts. Suggestions for the first blast? It would also be my first ever cycle. Maybe just up the test to 500mg/wk for 12 weeks first time, per the usual recommendation? After that I was thinking deca /dbol to bulk and primo/var to cut. I've got a crap ton of joint problems, so I'm thinking winny might not be a good idea, despite it commonly being referred to as better (and cheaper) than var. Scared straight about Tren on account of some horror stories from guys I know.

    First get your body situated bro

    You haven't even been on trt and you want to start asking questions about cycles...

    Get your health in check first before you can or would even consider running high doses.

    You'd be surprised how lean and muscular one can get on just trt alone with proper diet and training

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    skid_ofshame's Avatar
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    You haven't even been on trt and you want to start asking questions about cycles...
    lol A man can dream, can't he? Nothing wrong with speculating and getting info, even if it doesn't happen for a year (or at all.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    First get your body situated bro
    Get your health in check first before you can or would even consider running high doses.
    That is the goal. I assume based on the two responses so far that one good blood test isn't enough. Fair enough. How long before you would consider my body situated? How many good blood tests should I have before I start to look forward?

    Based on much further research, and not just my "my guy's" opinion. Protocol revised to the following:
    Test E: 150mg/wk (2x 75mg; Sunday PM, Thursday AM)
    HCG : 250IU/wk (2x 125IU; Saturday PM, Wednesday AM)
    Arimidex : 0.5mg/wk (2x 0.25mg; Monday AM, Thursday PM)

    Will run this until the end of January and get my first blood test (roughly 6 weeks in.) Then adjust from there?

    Based on the protocol, is there a particular day of the week that would be best for the blood test to get the most useful result?
    Last edited by skid_ofshame; 12-21-2018 at 12:11 PM.

  5. #5
    Ephemeral is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid_ofshame View Post
    lol A man can dream, can't he? Nothing wrong with speculating and getting info, even if it doesn't happen for a year (or at all.)

    That is the goal. I assume based on the two responses so far that one good blood test isn't enough. Fair enough. How long before you would consider my body situated? How many good blood tests should I have before I start to look forward?

    Based on much further research, and not just my "my guy's" opinion. Protocol revised to the following:
    Test E: 150mg/wk (2x 75mg; Sunday PM, Thursday AM)
    HCG : 250IU/wk (2x 125IU; Saturday PM, Wednesday AM)
    Arimidex : 0.5mg/wk (2x 0.25mg; Monday AM, Thursday PM)

    Will run this until the end of January and get my first blood test (roughly 6 weeks in.) Then adjust from there?

    Based on the protocol, is there a particular day of the week that would be best for the blood test to get the most useful result?
    1. I think 150mg T a week is too high of a starting dose. Some people don't even need 100, less is often more here. I'd start with 90 or 100.
    2. HCG should be at least 500 IU a week.
    3. If you lower your T, you probably won't need an AI, and maybe not even on 150mg T. Don't take AI unless it's confirmed with labs that you need it, otherwise you might crash your estrogen and feel like crap.
    4. We usually do blood tests on the day of the T injection (before injecting), so Thursday would be the best for you. But you can choose any day, just be consistent with it, and when you post results remember to mention that.

    Also this is a good read:
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  6. #6
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Your first step is to source a better doctor to monitor your TRT; either family physician, endocrinologist, or urologist.

    TRT is absolutely a thing in Canada provided you invest the time and research.

    You are creating an uphill battle by trying to self prescribe TRT especially if you are in Ontario. To get dosing dialed it it requires multiple bloodwork panels to determine the sweet spot, rather than just guessing. The way bloodwork requisition billing works (atleast in Ontario) you are very unlikely to find a doctor willing to req multiple full panels without legitimate diagnosed medical need (ie TRT).

    Total Testosterone is more or less an irrelevant test - Free Testosterone is what matters. Beyond that, just doing bloodwork on Testosterone is nowhere close to a complete panel. There's still Estrogen, RBC, hematocrit, hemoglobin, SHBG, Blood Pressure, Lipids, and so on.

    Once that is in place, the TRT script is accompanied by HCG . Most reasonable doctors will also script an AI to have on hand. I don't need an AI but if I ever wanted to cycle with high Test I have access to it.

    On top of that, TRT dosing and *******/Pfizer Test bottles don't match up very well. For example, I'm on 150mg a week but it's 200mg/mL vials. The pharmacy cannot underfill a script they have to overfill it. That means I get an extra "free" (still have to purchase) vial of Test every refill. At the end of every year I have enough extra Test for a 12 week 400mg/week Cycle.

    Beyond this there's potential issues with UGL suppliers, Canada Post strike interruptions, the legal ramifications, trying to travel, etc.

    There are several other reasons but it's in your best interest in Canada to be on legit TRT. It will pay huge dividends in the long run.

    You just need to find a better doctor. It's not going to happen overnight but it will happen provided the effort is there. Building a strong medical relationship with the doctor and spending time on the education accompanied by TRT / Hypogonadisn.

    I've been on TRT for 7 years in Canada and I can email my doctor for any bloodwork req at any time. This is useful to me so I can monitor cholesterol when I cruise on Trenbolone (which she turns a blind eye too).
    Last edited by Windex; 12-22-2018 at 10:55 AM.
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  7. #7
    JdFlex's Avatar
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    My test is around 1000-1200ng/dl (on the high side) using 100mg test C per week. My Dr had me go down to 90mg/week and that brought me to 700-800 (optimal). I would say 150mg is high for TRT but I know people on higher doses and their test is in the normal range. Everyone is different. I agree with finding a Dr just b/c usually TRT is for life. That's an awful long time to have to keep sourcing UGL gear. Would be prudent to have a Dr monitor your health, for life. I don't use an AI or HCG , my Dr said no need.
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  8. #8
    skid_ofshame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Your first step is to source a better doctor to monitor your TRT; either family physician, endocrinologist, or urologist.

    TRT is absolutely a thing in Canada provided you invest the time and research.
    I tried for about 8 months. The consensus among the doctors I have talked to is that TRT is a cosmetic/anti-aging treatment, not health-care. No one seems willing to do anything. All that time following a healthy diet, exercising, and taking natural test boosting aids with seemingly no improvement in my test levels. I did 3 blood tests over those 8 months, all with rock bottom test levels. One with elevated estadiol. All with an incredibly healthy lipid profile though! Silver lining in there somewhere.

    You are creating an uphill battle by trying to self prescribe TRT especially if you are in Ontario. To get dosing dialed it it requires multiple bloodwork panels to determine the sweet spot, rather than just guessing. The way bloodwork requisition billing works (atleast in Ontario) you are very unlikely to find a doctor willing to req multiple full panels without legitimate diagnosed medical need (ie TRT).
    My family doctor knows what I'm doing because I told her. While she doesn't support it, she does want to make sure I'm doing it "right" and not damaging my health. I told her I need blood tests as least every quarter. She said to fax her a list of what I need tested and she'll write me a script, no questions asked. We'll know if that's true in about 6 weeks.

    Beyond this there's potential issues with UGL suppliers, Canada Post strike interruptions, the legal ramifications, trying to travel, etc.
    All true. While I do have multiple trusted sources, there is always the possibility of something going wrong. Luckily, one small order is more than enough for an entire year worth of TRT. Plan the next year's worth a few months ahead of time and there's plenty of time to source it.

    Possession of AAS is fully legal in Canada, so the legal ramifications are pretty simple there. Not a worry for any domestic vacations (which is most of them.) The only concern would be travelling outside the country, which I have to ask, can you even bring your legally prescribed TRT into another country?

    There are several other reasons but it's in your best interest in Canada to be on legit TRT. It will pay huge dividends in the long run.
    Unless you are able to bring your prescribed TRT abroad, I'm actually starting to wonder what the benefits are of doing it legit. Isn't it also 2-3 times the price going through the pharmacy?

    I've been on TRT for 7 years in Canada and I can email my doctor for any bloodwork req at any time. This is useful to me so I can monitor cholesterol when I cruise on Trenbolone (which she turns a blind eye too).
    Last edited by skid_ofshame; 12-22-2018 at 09:11 PM.

  9. #9
    skid_ofshame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JdFlex View Post
    My test is around 1000-1200ng/dl (on the high side) using 100mg test C per week. My Dr had me go down to 90mg/week and that brought me to 700-800 (optimal). I would say 150mg is high for TRT
    You are probably right. We'll know for sure when I get my bloods in 6 weeks. From now on, I'll adjust based on the blood test results rather than speculation.

    I agree with finding a Dr just b/c usually TRT is for life. That's an awful long time to have to keep sourcing UGL gear.
    Unless something drastic occurs, UGL gear is pretty easy to come by for me. It would take quite a lot for my sources to dry up completely. But, you are right... It is an awful long time to rely on them. The bonus is that gear is relatively cheap and has a long shelf life. I can get a year or two worth and start sourcing my next batch several months (even a year) in advance to make sure I have something in place.

    Would be prudent to have a Dr monitor your health, for life.
    My doc seems unwilling to prescribe, but willing to write scripts for bloods to make sure I keep it healthy. She'll at least do that, so that's cool.

  10. #10
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid_ofshame View Post
    I tried for about 8 months. The consensus among the doctors I have talked to is that TRT is a cosmetic/anti-aging treatment, not health-care. No one seems willing to do anything. All that time following a healthy diet, exercising, and taking natural test boosting aids with seemingly no improvement in my test levels. I did 3 blood tests over those 8 months, all with rock bottom test levels. One with elevated estadiol. All with an incredibly healthy lipid profile though! Silver lining in there somewhere.

    My family doctor knows what I'm doing because I told her. While she doesn't support it, she does want to make sure I'm doing it "right" and not damaging my health. I told her I need blood tests as least every quarter. She said to fax her a list of what I need tested and she'll write me a script, no questions asked. We'll know if that's true in about 6 weeks.

    All true. While I do have multiple trusted sources, there is always the possibility of something going wrong. Luckily, one small order is more than enough for an entire year worth of TRT. Plan the next year's worth a few months ahead of time and there's plenty of time to source it.

    Possession of AAS is fully legal in Canada, so the legal ramifications are pretty simple there. Not a worry for any domestic vacations (which is most of them.) The only concern would be travelling outside the country, which I have to ask, can you even bring your legally prescribed TRT into another country?

    Unless you are able to bring your prescribed TRT abroad, I'm actually starting to wonder what the benefits are of doing it legit. Isn't it also 2-3 times the price going through the pharmacy?

    You can travel with a script and leave the country.

    You are only partially correct on the law in Canada. Distribution is illegal and the difference between distribution and personal use is a pretty grey area (from intent). I'm not saying you are a high risk target but it's an added unnecessary risk. If you ever get a package seized your address gets flagged and you are shooting yourself in the foot for something that shouldn't have even been an issue in the first place by having legit TRT.

    The "natural test boosters" are all snake oil which is why you wouldn't have gotten any significant longterm results.

    Between Trillium Plan, EAP, Point Exchange, and Employer benefits its not uncommon to get everything for free or almost free (sometimes the dispensing fee cannot be waived which is a couple of dollars).

    You can trust your supplier all you want but nothing lasts forever. I can count on 1 hand the number of labs that exist today that also existed 7 years ago in Canada. Labs come and go, reps become corrupt, people become greedy, quality changes over time. Sometimes it's not even the lab but the supplier that starts cutting the raw ingredients or sells bunk. It's just the reality of the game - to think otherwise is naive.

    Like I said, with requisition billing in Canada, because its covered by OHIP or equivalent, a doctor req'ing a full panel (which hormornes are the most expensive) a doctor billing for a full panel 4x per year with no medical reasoning would be seen as just burning through the OHIP funding. If you read the TRT stickies you'll see there's a lot more to test than just Testoerone and Estrogen.

    3 Blood Tests is great but you need to compare apples to apples in order to accurately extrapolate data. If the 3 tests are not done under the same controllables then you are comparing apples to oranges. Just as an example people will do multiple blood work tests however, the first test John Smith did was on a Monday after drinking over the weekend. The second time he tested was a Wednesday afternoon after a really hard workout, and the third time he tested was a Friday morning coming off a graveyard shift. Can't accurately compare in that situation because the body is in 3 completely different states.

    I don't mean to sound harsh but just asking your family doctor or listening to some heresay from a family doctor about TRT is a very lazy approach to justifying self-TRT. Knock down more doors, find an endo or urologist and get yourself a script, and potentially even free medication for everything. It doesn't sound like you've done enough research to find the right person - there's tons in Canada.

    Think of it this way, you are 35 years old, but let's round up to 36 as 2019 is around the corner. To make math easy let's say your expected lifespan is 72 years old, or 432 months reamaining. 8 months is 1.85% of your time invested into 50% of your remaining hypothetical life expectancy. If it was me, I would be investing as much resources as possible to ensure the best quality of life possible as TRT is a lifelong commitment
    Last edited by Windex; 12-22-2018 at 10:49 PM.
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  11. #11
    skid_ofshame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    You can travel with a script and leave the country.
    That makes a big difference.

    The "natural test boosters" are all snake oil which is why you wouldn't have gotten any significant longterm results.
    I'm aware of that. I was just doing what one of the doctors recommended.

    Between Trillium Plan, EAP, Point Exchange, and Employer benefits its not uncommon to get everything for free or almost free (sometimes the dispensing fee cannot be waived which is a couple of dollars).
    No benefits here. OHIP only.

    You can trust your supplier all you want but nothing lasts forever. I can count on 1 hand the number of labs that exist today that also existed 7 years ago in Canada. Labs come and go, reps become corrupt, people become greedy, quality changes over time. Sometimes it's not even the lab but the supplier that starts cutting the raw ingredients or sells bunk. It's just the reality of the game - to think otherwise is naive.
    I have no doubt you are correct. That said, it does make me wonder what all the guys who blast and cruise for years on end do for their sourcing.

    If you read the TRT stickies you'll see there's a lot more to test than just Testoerone and Estrogen.
    ... ... ...
    3 Blood Tests is great but you need to compare apples to apples in order to accurately extrapolate data.
    I didn't think I would need to spell it out, but I guess I do since you keep making errant assumptions.

    1) Every blood test I have done was a pretty complete panel, according to what the stickies recommend. I don't have the list on hand but can provide one for you if you'd like confirmation.
    2) Every test was done on the same day of the week and at the same time. My time is limited, and schedule is tight. The only exception is that I didn't train on the day of one of the tests. Results didn't vary much (aside from the higher Estradiol reading.)

    I don't mean to sound harsh but just asking your family doctor or listening to some heresay from a family doctor about TRT is a very lazy approach to justifying self-TRT.
    Is that what you got out of everything I said? I'll try to make it more clear...

    I was planning a first cycle, got my blood tested to establish a baseline (full panel of what is recommended in the "Planning & Executing Your First Cycle" sticky.) Noticed the rock bottom T/FT levels and abandoned the idea of a cycle to get this stuff looked at by my family doctor.

    Family doctor gave me the runaround, will not provide TRT because it isn't a medically necessary treatment. I tried contacting a few endos, none of whom accept appointments unless you are referred by your family doctor. I contacted several family doctors in my area. Most are not taking new patients and wouldn't see me. Eventually managed to get appointments with 2 other doctors. Both gave me the same explanation as my family doctor. TRT is not medically necessary, it's only cosmetic/anti-aging. Eat healthy, get some exercise, take some natural test boosters, etc.

    I did not just "listen to some hearsay from my family doctor about TRT". I searched for a doctor who would help me. None seemed interested. All gave me the distinct impression that I wouldn't find help for this issue in Canada. I told my doctor if I didn't find someone who would assist, I'd just do it myself. While she didn't like that, she said she'd help monitor my bloods to make sure things are good.

    Think of it this way, you are 35 years old, but let's round up to 36 as 2019 is around the corner. To make math easy let's say your expected lifespan is 72 years old, or 432 months reamaining. 8 months is 1.85% of your time invested into 50% of your remaining hypothetical life expectancy. If it was me, I would be investing as much resources as possible to ensure the best quality of life possible as TRT is a lifelong commitment
    Your point is loud and clear. If you have another suggestion about how to get a doctor on board, I'm all ears. One doctor, I look for another opinion. 3 doctors saying the exact same thing? You can see why I came to the conclusion that "TRT isn't a thing in Canada." Not to mention, there were 2 TRT-friendly clinics that I knew of in my area. Both have been shut down. I also read a lot of articles like this one:

    It seemed the writing was already on the wall... After trying to do it the right way and being told it wasn't going to happen, my wife is actually the one who suggested I just do it myself. She knows/trains with some guys who do it because they couldn't find a doc in our area either. More fuel for the "TRT isn't a thing in Canada" fire. It's a suggestion I didn't take lightly, despite what you may think. I ran through all the concerns I had with her. What if my sources dry up? What about vacations? What if I get some garbage gear? Or worse, something tainted/dangerous? I even talked to her gym partners about how they do it. There have been many hours of discussion in our house about this. The decision was made, and now we're here.

    Again... If you have another suggestion about how to get a doctor on board, I'm all ears.
    Last edited by skid_ofshame; 12-23-2018 at 05:50 PM. Reason: Added even more context...

  12. #12
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid_ofshame View Post
    That makes a big difference.

    I'm aware of that. I was just doing what one of the doctors recommended.

    No benefits here. OHIP only.

    I have no doubt you are correct. That said, it does make me wonder what all the guys who blast and cruise for years on end do for their sourcing.

    I didn't think I would need to spell it out, but I guess I do since you keep making errant assumptions.

    1) Every blood test I have done was a pretty complete panel, according to what the stickies recommend. I don't have the list on hand but can provide one for you if you'd like confirmation.
    2) Every test was done on the same day of the week and at the same time. My time is limited, and schedule is tight. The only exception is that I didn't train on the day of one of the tests. Results didn't vary much (aside from the higher Estradiol reading.)

    Is that what you got out of everything I said? I'll try to make it more clear...

    I was planning a first cycle, got my blood tested to establish a baseline (full panel of what is recommended in the "Planning & Executing Your First Cycle" sticky.) Noticed the rock bottom T/FT levels and abandoned the idea of a cycle to get this stuff looked at by my family doctor.

    Family doctor gave me the runaround, will not provide TRT because it isn't a medically necessary treatment. I tried contacting a few endos, none of whom accept appointments unless you are referred by your family doctor. I contacted several family doctors in my area. Most are not taking new patients and wouldn't see me. Eventually managed to get appointments with 2 other doctors. Both gave me the same explanation as my family doctor. TRT is not medically necessary, it's only cosmetic/anti-aging. Eat healthy, get some exercise, take some natural test boosters, etc.

    I did not just "listen to some hearsay from my family doctor about TRT". I searched for a doctor who would help me. None seemed interested. All gave me the distinct impression that I wouldn't find help for this issue in Canada. I told my doctor if I didn't find someone who would assist, I'd just do it myself. While she didn't like that, she said she'd help monitor my bloods to make sure things are good.

    Your point is loud and clear. If you have another suggestion about how to get a doctor on board, I'm all ears. One doctor, I look for another opinion. 3 doctors saying the exact same thing? You can see why I came to the conclusion that "TRT isn't a thing in Canada." Not to mention, there were 2 TRT-friendly clinics that I knew of in my area. Both have been shut down. I also read a lot of articles like this one:

    It seemed the writing was already on the wall... After trying to do it the right way and being told it wasn't going to happen, my wife is actually the one who suggested I just do it myself (she knows/trains with some guys who do it because they couldn't find a doc either.) It's a suggestion I didn't take lightly, despite what you may think. I ran through all the concerns I had with her. What if my sources dry up? What about vacations? What if I get some garbage gear? Or worse, something tainted/dangerous? I even talked to her gym partners about how they do it. There have been many hours of discussion in our house about this. The decision was made, and now we're here.

    Again... If you have another suggestion about how to get a doctor on board, I'm all ears.
    If you only have OHIP then you should apply for Trillium + EAP. Generally speaking the deductible is quite low. This combination gets you HCG +Test+AI for free.

    Point Exchange gets you Needles Syringes + Alcohol Swabs + Sharps Container for free.

    In terms of getting in front of a Urologist, that's easy:

    Hey Mrs family doctor, I've been considering a vasectomy and would like a referral for a consultation so I can speak to a urologist about it as I have a few extended questions. Ask the Uro about the vasectomy, then transition into TRT conversation.

    If the Urologist declines, simply return to family doctor, " Hey Dr Joe Urologist wasn't the best fit for me based on our conversation, could you refer me to someone else?" Rinse and Repeat.

    Want to get in front of an Endo? Cold call and knock down some doors. There are doctors in the GTA who will see patients without a referral.

    Think outside the box and you will find the person to support you.

    Doctors also appreciate patients who can demonstrate they care about their health. As an example, the first time I asked my doctor for an HGH script, I brought two published clinical trials, an article from the national library of medicine, and an excerpt from the Journal of Andrology to support why I thought I would be a candidate for HGH.

    I'm not saying you don't care about your health but what I am saying is go to the appointments with some hard medical literature. Dr Scally and Dr Crisler would be two resources that come to mind. There's also a bajillion articles on NLM.

    Any self respecting doctor shouldn't ignore the facts when it's presented in front of them. Just be mindful of how you present both yourself and the information. You want to avoid coming across as malicious or entitled
    Last edited by Windex; 12-23-2018 at 05:59 PM.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid_ofshame View Post
    My doc seems unwilling to prescribe, but willing to write scripts for bloods to make sure I keep it healthy. She'll at least do that, so that's cool.
    You should shop around for another Dr. My primary Dr is against TRT and will not prescribe test. My urologist is all for it and he prescribes me test. I see my urologist for TRT and my primary for everything else.
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  14. #14
    skid_ofshame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    If you only have OHIP then you should apply for Trillium + EAP. Generally speaking the deductible is quite low. This combination gets you HCG+Test+AI for free.
    Will look into that. Thanks!

    In terms of getting in front of a Urologist, that's easy:

    Hey Mrs family doctor, I've been considering a vasectomy and would like a referral for a consultation so I can speak to a urologist about it as I have a few extended questions. Ask the Uro about the vasectomy, then transition into TRT conversation.
    Conveniently, I am going to get a vasectomy this coming year. What a perfect opportunity!

    Doctors also appreciate patients who can demonstrate they care about their health. As an example, the first time I asked my doctor for an HGH script, I brought two published clinical trials, an article from the national library of medicine, and an excerpt from the Journal of Andrology to support why I thought I would be a candidate for HGH.

    I'm not saying you don't care about your health but what I am saying is go to the appointments with some hard medical literature. Dr Scally and Dr Crisler would be two resources that come to mind. There's also a bajillion articles on NLM.
    Great point.

    Thanks for all the input!

    Now I'm stuck with another question... I'm 2 weeks into self-administering TRT from UGL gear. How is the urologist going to react to that? Would he understand that I was convinced by my doctor(s) that TRT wasn't possible, so I decided to take my health into my own hands? Or, should I stop now and just pretend it never happened until after I see the urologist?
    Last edited by skid_ofshame; 12-26-2018 at 09:47 AM.

  15. #15
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    I never understood why u cant blast and start trt the same day. U have to do trt one year. Then blast. Marcus told me that. Never why.
    I think its bs. A newbi blast is 500 mgs. Gurus sau u can run 500 for life.

    Just read up on the theori. 35 years?...why wait?
    As long as u ease up on the orals, stick to moderate doses, put in 3 months trtcruises, monitor BP, e2 and hct, i dont see any bad mistakes.

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  16. #16
    Hoostie is offline New Member
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    Slightly different topic, I’ve been taking test e, sus 250 100mgs a week for about 12mths.
    I’ve just torn my bicep tendon of the bone and have a heap of other dramas ie shoulder ha bursitis, Achilles is painful, back stiff and painful.

    Does anyone know if the test for a long period like this can cause this type of thing ?

  17. #17
    skid_ofshame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoostie View Post
    Slightly different topic, I’ve been taking test e, sus 250 100mgs a week for about 12mths.
    I’ve just torn my bicep tendon of the bone and have a heap of other dramas ie shoulder ha bursitis, Achilles is painful, back stiff and painful.

    Does anyone know if the test for a long period like this can cause this type of thing ?
    Test alone does not do this. Could be an idiopathic condition, genetics, poor/overtraining, poor diet, lack of recovery, side effects of another medication you're taking, or a long list of other possibilities. See your doctor and ask what's up. Also, you can open your own thread in the Inuries & Rehab section, or the Steroid Q&A for further discussion.
    Last edited by skid_ofshame; 12-26-2018 at 09:46 AM.

  18. #18
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid_ofshame View Post
    Will look into that. Thanks!

    Conveniently, I am going to get a vasectomy this coming year. What a perfect opportunity!

    Great point.

    Thanks for all the input!

    Now I'm stuck with another question... I'm 2 weeks into self-administering TRT from UGL gear. How is the urologist going to react to that? Would he understand that I was convinced by my doctor(s) that TRT wasn't possible, so I decided to take my health into my own hands? Or, should I stop now and just pretend it never happened until after I see the urologist?
    Telling the doctor you are injecting illegal steroids into your body is a bad idea. The doctor reserves the right to break patient confidentiality if he/she thinks you are going to cause harm to either yourself or someone else.
    Last edited by Windex; 12-26-2018 at 05:33 PM.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Telling the doctor you are injecting illegal steroids into your body is a bad idea. The doctor reserves the right to break patient confidentiality if he/she thinks you are going to cause harm to either yourself or someone else.
    I used to work in health care and this is something I do know quite a bit about. You hear it on TV and people say it all the time, but they actually do not have that right, as you describe it. There are very strict guidelines for mandatory and permissive reporting (tighter than most people think), and this would certainly not qualify. Break confidentiality for anything outside those guidelines at the risk of your license and multiple lawsuits. It doesn't happen, and it wouldn't happen in this case.

    My question was more about the attitude of how he would take the news and whether it would affect his decision to assist. But I guess it doesn't matter. If he gets sassy about it, I could just ask for a different urologist as you described above.
    Last edited by skid_ofshame; 12-26-2018 at 07:29 PM.

  20. #20
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by skid_ofshame View Post
    I used to work in health care and this is something I do know quite a bit about. You hear it on TV and people say it all the time, but they actually do not have that right, as you describe it. There are very strict guidelines for mandatory and permissive reporting (tighter than most people think), and this would certainly not qualify. Break confidentiality for anything outside those guidelines at the risk of your license and multiple lawsuits. It doesn't happen, and it wouldn't happen in this case.

    My question was more about the attitude of how he would take the news and whether it would affect his decision to assist. But I guess it doesn't matter. If he gets sassy about it, I could just ask for a different urologist as you described above.
    I feel that there is nothing beneficial about telling a prospective doctor. whom you have no medical relationship with yet about gear usage.
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