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Thread: Low Testosterone at 25. Help me!

  1. #1
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Low Testosterone at 25. Help me!

    Hi! Firstly I would like to introduce myself.
    Current Stats:
    I am 25 year old male.
    Height : 5’11”
    Weight : 69kgs.

    Cycle history : April 2014 (only cycle till date)
    Test E 500 split every week for 12 weeks
    Dianabol – 30mg for 4 weeks
    Anavar – low dosage for week 9-12
    HCG – 500mg split every week from week 6-12
    Arimidex – 0.25 mg eod from week 1-14
    Nolvadex – 40/20/20/20
    Clomid – 75/50/50/50
    Gains : I gained around 5 kgs and managed to keep 70% of total gain. After this cycle I went to study overseas and never did another cycle in these 2 years.
    Note: Never did bloodwork pre or post cycle till yesterday as I intended to start another cycle.
    After I saw my Testosterone total results my whole world came crashing down along with my confidence and security. I could not sleep entire night and had to call my mom and girlfriend inorder to console myself. Okay without anymore drama I want to say that my testosterone levels are low i.e. 216 ng/dl (normal range: 400-1080).
    This explains my difficulty of gaining muscles over past two years, mood swings, tiredness, depression and my lack of libido. I don’t get morning woods as I used to get precycle. I have difficulty in maintaining erection.
    I will do further check ups i.e. estradiol, LH, FSH.
    **Note: I am considering doing power pct by Dr. Michael Scally.
    Also I intend to update this post until the end results so that youngsters can learn from my mistake and guys learning to correct it can learn.

    Date: 25/04/2016
    Reference Range
    TT - 216 ng/dl 400-1080
    FT - 6.5 pg/ml 4.25 - 30.37
    E2 - 27.4 pg/ml 0 - 56
    FSH. - 2.86mIU/ml 1.5-12.4
    LH. - 4.15.mIU/ml 1.7-8.6
    Prolactin. - 17.69 ng/ml 4- 15.2

    Date: 05/05/2016

    TT - 578.6 (RR 400-1080)
    FSH - 5.36 (RR 1.5-12.4)
    LH - 11.29 (RR 1.7-8.6)
    CBC - Normal
    Prostate Specific Antigen - 0.352 ng/ml (RR 0 - 4.44)
    Semen Analysis - Normal
    (**RR - Reference Range)
    After 6 days of clomid therapy i have noticed improvement in mood and sleep, my erection is much stronger although libido is not great. I still haven't noticed morning wood. From the reports i can see that T levels are increasing due to increase in LH. Does it means if i get LH to normal ( lower ) my T levels will decrease. Besides these points what else does these results indicate - Hpta restarting? Primary or secondary hypogonadism? is there chance of full recovery?. I know too many questions.
    I have an appointment with Endo tomorrow and will be asking same questions to him. If you guys find any other points kindly mention them so that i can ask my Endo too.
    Thank you guys once again. Will be posting after meeting with Endo.

    Date - 10/05/2016
    I had discussion with my Endo. He is very happy with the reports and feels like my body can start producing testosterone naturally. he also stated that he doesnt wants me to get addicted to clomid and instead of short term increment he wants my body to recover for long term. Therefore he has stopped clomid and has asked to start Vitamin E and Co-enzyme Q-10 daily, and Vitamin D3 60000 iu once in 15 days ( please can someone tell me if it is sufficient or not ). He also told me not to worry about estrogen as 1 week of clomid wont elevate estrogen. He has called me after 3 months with FSH and TT reports.
    I am feeling much better now with improvement in moods and also increase in libido with strong erection. I have been sleeping great lately which unfortunately makes it difficult for me to get up for gym. HaHa!
    I hope these improvements are not temporary.

    ***NOTE - Guys i am using this post as a journal and hope you dont mind it. It is the only way I can explain my recovery and keep updated with latest lab results and suggestions from Endo. I hope that this journal can help people with htpa restart. Thank you.
    Last edited by beginner91; 05-09-2016 at 11:29 PM. Reason: RESULTS - Latest Blood Work 05.05.2016

  2. #2
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Strange. You sure you were ok before your cycle? 8 kgs is pretty much for that shitty cycle. Maybe your body was in short of androgen stimulation and responded better than average when it got a little help.
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  3. #3
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Strange. You sure you were ok before your cycle? 8 kgs is pretty much for that shitty cycle. Maybe your body was in short of androgen stimulation and responded better than average when it got a little help.
    Err my mistake. I gained about 5 kgs that cycle. My diet is still pretty clean but i am unable to gain muscle maybe due to low test levels.
    And I was fine before that as i can feel my erection is currently weaker than before.

  4. #4
    Muse's Avatar
    Muse is offline Junior Member
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    I'm assuming you done a home blood test for the lab? I'd very much advise you to book an appointment with a doctor/GP and discuss your symptoms and state that you would like a blood test on the basis that you believe your testosterone levels are low. Do not panic though mate, every cloud has a silver lining. Chin up man - All the best to you.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Get the first set of blood work in the Finding A Doc sticky thread. Then you can fully assess what the issue is and have a direction to go in. Post it up when you get it.
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  6. #6
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muse View Post
    I'm assuming you done a home blood test for the lab? I'd very much advise you to book an appointment with a doctor/GP and discuss your symptoms and state that you would like a blood test on the basis that you believe your testosterone levels are low. Do not panic though mate, every cloud has a silver lining. Chin up man - All the best to you.
    Thank you Muse for the motivation as i really need it. I will be getting my FSH, LH, Prolactin and E2 reports by today. I have already booked an apointment with Endo on Saturday as i dont plan to take any further chances by following any htpa restart protocol on my own. I just want to do it safely this time without any further chance of damaging my system. Thank you so much for your reponse.

  7. #7
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Get the first set of blood work in the Finding A Doc sticky thread. Then you can fully assess what the issue is and have a direction to go in. Post it up when you get it.
    I will do it as soon as i get all the reports. Thank you KELKEL for you valuable guidance. Cheers

  8. #8
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    UPDATE 1

    I got my Free Testosterone results.
    FT - 6.5 pg/ml (Reference Range = 4.25 - 30.37)

    Apart from the fact that FT is on lower side does it indicate anything else??

  9. #9
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Kinda beating a dead dog with a stick, but you were to young for steroids use. The percentage of bad recovery is much higher on the under 25, and even this age is not set in stone.

    Dont forget to test thyroid as well.

  10. #10
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Also i would like to state that at present i am really worried about my fertilty. I hope htpa shutdown wont impact my fertility, mental state and libido at longterm. I know its too early to jump on any conclusion. I am just praying that i dont pay price for this silly mistake for lifetime.
    Any kind of information is welcomed.

  11. #11
    MDelgado34 is offline New Member
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    Very interested to see how this works out for you as well! I am the same age and have the same problem. Not as low as you and no cycle history but I have been going through the fight with the doctors. good luck to ya!!

  12. #12
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Kinda beating a dead dog with a stick, but you were to young for steroids use. The percentage of bad recovery is much higher on the under 25, and even this age is not set in stone.

    Dont forget to test thyroid as well.

    I know i made a mistake. I thought test e with little dbol and anavar would not do harm. I have an appointment with endo tommorow.
    Also I have updated my other reports. It shows my prolactin is on higher side. So i guess it is the reason for suppressing my test and if i manage to bring it down i can hope to get my test levels up.

  13. #13
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks mate. I hope to see you recover soon. Good Luck.

  14. #14
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Thank Muse for your advice. I have an appointment scheduled on Saturday with Endo. Also I have done my tests please go through the updated post and let me know what you think.

  15. #15
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    did you mean Finding a TRT Physician post??
    I have posted there please take a note.
    Thank you Kel.

  16. #16
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Hello guys! Just had discussion with my endo. He has prescribed me clomid 50mg for five days to see if theres increase in my LH/FSH and how my body (gonads react). My FSH/LH levels are low normal; he wants to bring that up first.
    According to him, its too early to start HCG so it will be taken only when its needed. Also he stated that prolactin is not a concern as of now. He pointed out that usually body should regain its abilty to start test production back after washing out external test.
    Other then LH/FSH I have been told to check CBC,PSA,TEST and Semen analysis after clomid 5 days course. He said all the secondary sexual features are normal like testicle size, pubic hair, facial hair. He had advised me to start taking cold showers, wearing boxers instead of tight underwear, no jeans pant and also avoid whey protein.
    Overall he seem to be very nice person and was supportive. I feel positive and motivated. Thank you guys for helping me. Will be posting my new blood work within a week and will keep you updated.
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  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    The Clomid trial will give you the answers you need. There's no need for HCG . If your pituitary responds to the clomid and ramps up production then your testicals will either respond or not. This will answer your questions. Elevated LH / FSH via clomid and no (or little) response in T levels indicates a testicular issue. A solid T elevation indicates your boys are working normally. It's when you come off which is the real question.
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  18. #18
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    The Clomid trial will give you the answers you need. There's no need for HCG. If your pituitary responds to the clomid and ramps up production then your testicals will either respond or not. This will answer your questions. Elevated LH / FSH via clomid and no (or little) response in T levels indicates a testicular issue. A solid T elevation indicates your boys are working normally. It's when you come off which is the real question.
    Thank you Kelkel for sharing your knowledge. I will get bloodwork done in order to see if LH/FSH increases after 5 days clomid course. I will also check testosterone to see if there is atleast slight increase in T level as only 5 days for clomid wont have any significant impact.

  19. #19
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Guys! this is day 3 of my clomid therapy and i am having best sleeps in long time. Does clomid makes you drowsy just like Benadryl or is it the harmones?

    ***Note = 50 mg clomid before bedtime.

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by beginner91 View Post
    Thank you Kelkel for sharing your knowledge. I will get bloodwork done in order to see if LH/FSH increases after 5 days clomid course. I will also check testosterone to see if there is atleast slight increase in T level as only 5 days for clomid wont have any significant impact.
    Wait at least a few weeks. A month even better. I do understand your excitement to see the efficacy of it.
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  21. #21
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Wait at least a few weeks. A month even better. I do understand your excitement to see the efficacy of it.
    I agree kelkel, but my endo wants me to check T levels so i guess i have no option.
    I think i will have to prepare myself to spend some cash on routine lab works.

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    At least he's interested and wants to see if the stimulation is taking effect!
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