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  1. #1
    iron T is offline Banned
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    May 2004

    Anyone identify this insulin?

    O.K. this is what i got, a clear vial looks like a 3ml, has a gold stopper seal and a rubber stopper on the top.

    The liquid is clear but there is some form of white powder which settles on the bottom of the vial if you leave standing a while.

    a orange 3 ring stopper is on the bottom of the vial.

    There is also NO WRITING AT ALL on the vial. Its either come with peel off stickers (which the guy must have done) or whati dont know.

    Thanks dudes. If i knew the brand name i would post it.

  2. #2
    bowie is offline Member
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    there is NO powder in slin. In fact if it even looks cloudy,you should NOT use it! What your discribing sounds like stanazol.(winstrol )

  3. #3
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    there is NO powder in slin. In fact if it even looks cloudy,you should NOT use it! What your discribing sounds like stanazol.(winstrol)
    Sounds like winny to me as well.

    Slin would have a nice label from the company also.If someone peeled the label off,don't touch that stuff.

  4. #4
    Doc Slin's Avatar
    Doc Slin is offline Respected Member
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    THat is not Slin, Slin is only manufactured by legit companies, well im sure there is fakes out there some where, but if It is not made by Either Eli Lilly and Company or NovoNordisk, then dont use it those are the two major companys manufacturing Insulin at this point in time. Throw that **** out bro.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    That sounds like the 3ml vials that are ready for use when used with one of those Insulin pen things. Colour orange? Unsure about that, I know Actrapid 3ml vials are orange. And as for the powder part, well Insulin doesnt have powder in it, although some of the longer acting Insulins can look a bit cloudy when you shake them up, so maybe thats what it looks like when its been sittin there for a while. Once again, unsure, its hard tell without a pic bro.

  6. #6
    Doc Slin's Avatar
    Doc Slin is offline Respected Member
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    Besides if it was real slin in a bottle without a label you wouldnt even know what kind you were using, Humulin-R or Humalog or any of the other NovoNordisk products, Fast-Acting?? Rapid Acting?? Long lasting??? man...... careful bro.

  7. #7
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Slin
    Besides if it was real slin in a bottle without a label you wouldnt even know what kind you were using, Humulin-R or Humalog or any of the other NovoNordisk products, Fast-Acting?? Rapid Acting?? Long lasting??? man...... careful bro.

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by iron T
    There is also NO WRITING AT ALL on the vial.
    Thats what has me. I was under the impression that companies that make Insulin always have their bottles labeled. If the label has been taken off on purpose then there is something not right about it. Why the hell would any1 peal the label off for? Its defenitely not something to play round with. I say stay away from it

  9. #9
    iron T is offline Banned
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    Thanks dudes, well its U.K i'm in, i am going to throw this stuff in the bin, think i was gonna start shooting too today! Its definatley white powder that settles on tho bottom of the vial and when shook up the liquid goes milkywhite, but F##K that its going in the bin.

    Thanks everyone. :-]

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