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  1. #1
    Angelis's Avatar
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    Exclamation 18 yrs old and wants GH... a couple questions!

    K bro this might be stupid but I brought the subject of AAS while I was out with some friends I didnt say I was using or anything but my freind who I knew for a long time pulled me aside later on after everyone else was farther up the street he asked me to get him some HGH... so I told him I might be able to get him some bcs I wanted to come here and ask you guys before I get some for him...the reason he wants it is bcs he is really short (5 foot 3 or 4 I think ) and he also wants to get rid of some extra fat turns out he has researched it before but never found anyone that could get it for him... I have a couple questions:

    1) Could he use it at the age of 18? (oh yeah forgot hes 18 )

    2) what could be the possible side effects?

    3) he can only afford 2 or 3 months worth right now will that help him any?

    If you need any more info I could get it from him just give me a day or two!

    Thanks in advance... the only reason im doing this is bcs hes a good friend and he really want to do this... should I let him


  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
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    There is 1 thing he needs to know. He is a bit too young for that sorta stuff. If he did research he should know this already.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
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    Also, as for the extra fat loss, he dont need GH for that. He can do it naturally with natural supplments and a bit of cardio and training.

  4. #4
    Angelis's Avatar
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    ive told him that he is too young his arguement was that doctors use it to make short people grow so why cant he use it.... I didnt know what to say so I just said I would look into it!

  5. #5
    JohnnyB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    ive told him that he is too young his arguement was that doctors use it to make short people grow so why cant he use it.... I didnt know what to say so I just said I would look into it!
    Tell him to go to an endo and see what they say, with the extra fat his growth plate may be closed already and he'd be wasting his money. If they aren't closed with his hieght he may get a script


  6. #6
    JohnnyB's Avatar
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    Let me add that anyone using HGH to grow in hieght needs to be under a Drs supervision


  7. #7
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Let me add that anyone using HGH to grow in hieght needs to be under a Drs supervision

    yes,,,, i could go into some long dumb sh*t about young people using GH as i have before, but if he is really that short, and his growth plates are not closed, i do not see why an endo would not legally prescribe it to him. If he was that passionate about it and said he could never get it, ask him why he never spoke with the one person that can get it the easiest,,,, his doctor!

  8. #8
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    There is 1 thing he needs to know. He is a bit too young for that sorta stuff. If he did research he should know this already.
    and i had to add, that NO he is NOT too young for gh.... where do you people get this?

  9. #9
    Angelis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    and i had to add, that NO he is NOT too young for gh.... where do you people get this?
    What do you mean I thought you werent supposed to use Gh until you are about 30... your 19 right and u use it.... what kinda cycle are you running and what are you side effects!

  10. #10
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    What do you mean I thought you werent supposed to use Gh until you are about 30... your 19 right and u use it.... what kinda cycle are you running and what are you side effects!
    i take as you've read a few of my posts ranting about youth and GH!

    I'm a stubborn mofo, and i dont like it when people just shut the door and say NO to something that is entirely feasible.

  11. #11
    Angelis's Avatar
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    I know what you mean im 22 and I wanted to start using AS at the age of 17 I waited now I know that was a smart move but look at all those people using them in High School for sports and sh*t nothing happening to them.... well maybe long term but there is no actual study that says AS causes problems long term!

  12. #12
    Angelis's Avatar
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    so angelexterminator what kinda cycle do you run? your around his age so if it works well for you it might work well for him!

  13. #13
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    so angelexterminator what kinda cycle do you run? your around his age so if it works well for you it might work well for him!
    GH has nothing to do with AAS and they should not be confused in any way. They act entirely different on your body, and all possible sides effects are not similar at all.

    This is the cycle I am about to run:
    Months 1-8 GH 5iu/day
    months 1-3 letro 1.25mg/day
    months 1-3 pgf2a 5ml@ 10 jects per day
    months 1-3 rIGF-1 @50mg in 2 pins once per day
    months 3-6 letro 2.5mg/day
    month 3 50mg/day anavar
    months 3-6 test enanthate 250mg E4D
    months 7 clomid therapy
    months 1-8 insulin @8iu 4 days/week(pwo)

    That cycle has had ungodly amounts of reasearch and information put into it, with critique after critique, and it is still in the works. NOBODY should attempt that without strict supervision! I'm having all required studies performed at set intervals!

  14. #14
    AustrianOAK14's Avatar
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    run teh hgh with test its good

  15. #15
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    something similar to that cycle COULD help him. That does NOT mean he should attempt it. The best thing for him is to go to an endo and find the cause of his short stature, maybe he has GHD or something similar...

  16. #16
    Angelis's Avatar
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    I know they are not the same I was just trying to say that people put all kinds of stuff down when so many people do it... look at priest he started at 13 didnt he... im not comparing myself to him just wanted to say that why do so many people put it down... well at least I

  17. #17
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    I know they are not the same I was just trying to say that people put all kinds of stuff down when so many people do it... look at priest he started at 13 didnt he... im not comparing myself to him just wanted to say that why do so many people put it down... well at least I
    people are not putting it down, they are just informing you of the risks of using anabolic steroids at a young age. IMO we need people on here, and everywhere telling impatient teenagers NOT to cycle. If we had people encouraging it, we'd have a lot more ****ed up teens.

  18. #18
    Angelis's Avatar
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    I know what you glad I waited but im left wondering how would I look if I had started 5 yrs ago...(prolly not very good I had no idea about Im gonna be starting my cycle soon at the end of the month if I can get everything in order by then I was thinking about using GH myself when I was looking for info on the subject I found a lot of good things about it and only one bad thing....price but I have a good source who has good prices so im gonna try and get some for me and if you agree then I will get some for my friend as well...but if you insist he go to endo dr then I will tell himj to go there first... I quess maybe he was too embarased to go to a doctor about his

  19. #19
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    I know what you glad I waited but im left wondering how would I look if I had started 5 yrs ago...(prolly not very good I had no idea about Im gonna be starting my cycle soon at the end of the month if I can get everything in order by then I was thinking about using GH myself when I was looking for info on the subject I found a lot of good things about it and only one bad thing....price but I have a good source who has good prices so im gonna try and get some for me and if you agree then I will get some for my friend as well...but if you insist he go to endo dr then I will tell himj to go there first... I quess maybe he was too embarased to go to a doctor about his
    its better that he gets embarassed and go then realize 4 months into his cycle that his growth plates were closed, and instead of height, he successfully achieved severe acromegaly and have a prominent brow like a fvcking monkey!

  20. #20
    Angelis's Avatar
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    Did you ever get any of thos sides AngelX? And I asked my source about the GH (Jin) like you said I can get it for about $3000 for 1000IU that includes shipping in 3-5 boxes if I cant post this pls tell me...or mods pls erase it!

  21. #21
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    Did you ever get any of thos sides AngelX? And I asked my source about the GH (Jin) like you said I can get it for about $3000 for 1000IU that includes shipping in 3-5 boxes if I cant post this pls tell me...or mods pls erase it!
    that's too expensive for china bro!

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