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  1. #1
    johnjohn26 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2004

    GH & natural Gh production

    How likely is it that injecting Gh will stop your own bodys production given the following scenario: 2ius a day (6 on 1 off), injections around 730am, 24 years old, for approx. 9 months? And if it did mess with your bodys own production, is it permanent, or only for the duration of the cycle?
    Last edited by johnjohn26; 01-10-2005 at 12:14 PM.

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    It's hard to say for sure without doing blood work. Here's the problem, you do the HGH it can suppress HGH for up to 6 hours (some studys show up to 24) eve at 6 hours your still going to get some IGF-1 from the liver. It can take up to 20 hours for that release, IGF-1 will shut down HGH release. So you could be doing you 7:30am shot and shutting down your night time release of HGH because of the IGF-1 being release from the liver.


  3. #3
    scotty082865's Avatar
    scotty082865 is offline Junior Member
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    I've always done my shots in the evening just before I hit the pillow. In that way, I minimize this possibility. But like JB said, it can still get some hold over release. I have also found (I'm a lab junky) that if I inject into an inch or so of fat I get a slower release than if I do a true subQ (separating the skin from the fat and pinning there).

    If you can afford the labs, it's very cool.


  4. #4
    johnjohn26 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2004
    I've heard that the earlier you inject it, the less possibility there is of messing with your own production. The body produces the most when you sleep. Again, thats what Ive read in past posts, could be wrong.

  5. #5
    frank_frank's Avatar
    frank_frank is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnjohn26
    I've heard that the earlier you inject it, the less possibility there is of messing with your own production. The body produces the most when you sleep. Again, thats what Ive read in past posts, could be wrong.
    yes u r right... injecting it right before sleep would supress your own natural production because u naturally release it shortly after falling asleep, so the earlier u do it, the better


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