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  1. #1
    joevette's Avatar
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    Slin: Too low BG bad for muscles?

    If your blood glucose level gets too low while using slin does it inhibit your muscle growth? I know a lower bg will lessen fat growth, but say you bg is in the 60's and you're not hypo as far as symptoms go. Is that ok for muscle growth?

  2. #2
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
    Mr. Sparkle is offline Slinabolic Vet / Retired
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    Thats a good question... I do know that that means your carbs are low, so fat is not a concern. I hear everyone say monitor your carbs, mess with it to have a good blood sugar level... but what does that mean really? I mean I know you want to monitor it so you dont go hypo... but it raises your question... can you still grow enough?
    I mean probally as all it is, is a shuttle persay... So it is doing its job... so I guess its good to go as low as you can and not go hypo... for me anything in the 60s had be buggin out....

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    It would only effect muscle growth majorly if BG levels were left low for too long. But if that was to happen, you would probably fall into hypoglycemia before you start losing a big amount of muscle. But no doubt when BG is still minorly low, that it has an effect on muscle loss, but I just think it wouldn't be anything major. So low BG levels probably would effect muscle loss, but wouldn't really effect it that much because they are low only for a small amout of time, and that small amount of time isn't really long enough to effect muscle growth to the point where it is noticible.

    Last edited by Gear; 01-23-2005 at 12:26 AM.

  4. #4
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    ok, so short term low bg wouldn't be detrimental to your muscles, but would it still be optimal for muscle growth. Would you still be able to gain the max ammount of muscle?

  5. #5
    Xerx is offline New Member
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    I,m a diabetic type 1.

    When your bloodlevels gets too low your body will start to convert aminoacids into glukose to combat hypo (proteins you eat, aminocids in your blood) . When things get a little further than that (as my doctor, the top specialist diabetic in scandinavia told me) the body will start to break down muscle into aminoacids to again convert into glukose. I belive this is reverse what the slin,s job originally is. I belive this starts the second you start to feel the hypo signs, as the body fight for survival. It does other things as well that has to do with nutritions in the body, but i,ll have too look up in my book, i,ll get back to that tomorrow or something when i have red that section again.

    sry spelling

  6. #6
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    Like Xerx said if bg goes way low the body will tap all sources of carbs,ie glucose from everywhere for survival. Liver,organs and evan your brain hence the side effects.. It also taps the amino acid pool in muscle tissues.

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
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    Obviously while your BG is low, your body does go through survival mode trying to keep out of hypo, but for the amount of time that your BG is low for, if it did effect your muscle cells anyhow, it wouldn't be anything major to worry about, defenitely nothing noticible scale or weight wise, so I wouldn't worry about it. And also, your body never gets to that point where it has absoloutely nothing to feed of. Even when your feeling hypo, your body still has something to feed of but is only running low on fuel as you do not have enough nutrients in your system. What Xerx said about muscle breaking down into aminos is a stage not many people get to because that is about the last stage before you end up in hospital


  8. #8
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    From what I am reading you are talking about chronic low levels of BG this will definatley affect your growth period. Call it what you want even if it is mild it is still wasting.

  9. #9
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Good info, guys. I'm bulking right now so the carbs are plenty high enough. I'll be using slin for my cutter too, though. So, I'm going to try to cut the carbs as low as possible.

    On a side note, I just started my first round of IGF-1 LR3 yesterday at 40mcg per day

  10. #10
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
    Mr. Sparkle is offline Slinabolic Vet / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    On a side note, I just started my first round of IGF-1 LR3 yesterday at 40mcg per day
    whatcha using?

  11. #11
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    whatcha using?
    MR. I tried to go with omnilabs and save some money, but they stopped responding. I sent the money to MR via paypal (which is faster, easier, and cheaper than anything else) and I had my product in 5 days on ice.

  12. #12
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
    Mr. Sparkle is offline Slinabolic Vet / Retired
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    Nice ever try fusion?

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