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  1. #1
    Osiris is offline New Member
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    Risk of cancer IGF/GH

    I have checked through all the threads and found little worry bout cancer risk.
    Any athletes here who ve been doing GH in the long run? Like 10 years or something?

    Though yet people are happy with Gh, what is the risk?

    Suggest to make a separate thread for this issue, since we are all using so cold research drugs, since for GH we need decades to see the sides in the long run.

    Seniors bros highly appreciated.

  2. #2
    frank_frank's Avatar
    frank_frank is offline Senior Member
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    as far as i know, GH does not cause cancer, but if there are cancerous cells, it can cause them to grow

  3. #3
    Osiris is offline New Member
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    How can you be sure there is no cancer atthe moment. A few cells could be and whatthen? It will come to promote their growth..

    Just supposition....

    Interested in the issue

  4. #4
    kingof516's Avatar
    kingof516 is offline Associate Member
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    well, all a cancer cell is by definition is an abnoral cell. I'm sure we all have some, or will at some point. the rate of growth on those cells is what is important. GO TO THE DOCTOR and get a basic physical, the boys included, and make sure of what you can. If the tests come back clean. etc.

    Doctors are there for more than just fixing, its preventative also.

    IGF/GH all work through hyperplasma, splitting of cells, and increasing growth rates, thus speeding up cell growth in abnormal cells.

  5. #5
    LL08's Avatar
    LL08 is offline Member
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    Yeah spot on with the advice and a lot of people seem to overlook this risk but bingo Osiris it is definitely there. More so for the older bros using it too but not purely. I've read countless studies on Gh and less on Igf-1 and the general research says that years of gh at sensible levels does not directly cause cancer. That said hgh does not discriminate and speeds up the rate of growth of every cell in the body. So what are sensible levels? From what I have read I wouldn't want to go over 4-6iu if your taking it over the long term, i hope this helps you somewhat, cheers


  6. #6
    Osiris is offline New Member
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    Sounds reasonable.
    thanks bro

  7. #7
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    You stand the same chances as AAS, they both increase IGF-1


  8. #8
    LL08's Avatar
    LL08 is offline Member
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    That is something lesser known, thanks JohnnyB

  9. #9
    LL08's Avatar
    LL08 is offline Member
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    Does that mean that aas by increasing igf-1, can in fact cause hyperplasia to the same effect as hgh or even at all? Just a thought.

  10. #10
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    People bring up HGh/LR3 all the time, but forget that AAS can have the same effect on cancerus cells.


  11. #11
    Osiris is offline New Member
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    ok, JohnnyB,

    lets put it other way.

    Anybody here have any statisitcs regarding AAS caused cancer in the long run?

    Pls share.

  12. #12
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
    ***xxx*** is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    People bring up HGh/LR3 all the time, but forget that AAS can have the same effect on cancerus cells.

    same effect? I don t htink so. the mode of action is totaly different and aas are also used for special kinds of cancer.

    btw there are signs that a decreasing of gh in the aging body makes sense: it decreases the risk of cancer.

  13. #13
    LL08's Avatar
    LL08 is offline Member
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    Yeah I just thought of that tripleX. Fair point on the decreasing gh, makes very good sense and supports the fact that gh speeds up rate of cancers developing. Cheers mate,


  14. #14
    jgg1221 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank_frank
    as far as i know, GH does not cause cancer, but if there are cancerous cells, it can cause them to grow
    thats what i heard as well

    which according to a post i read by Johnny B, is also true for AAS and IGF
    (doesnt cause cancer but promotes the growth of prexisting malignant tissue)

  15. #15
    LL08's Avatar
    LL08 is offline Member
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    RedBaron - bravo. I don't know if everyBro realises how lucky we are to have posts like this and help and advice from people who firstly have the knowledge and secondly really care. Cheers mate


  16. #16
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Fantastic post RB...
    Very well put.l

  17. #17
    Flynman is offline Associate Member
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    Having had cancer and am now using GH with AAS I will let you know what happens. I'm due for a check up which includes Cat scans & blood work. I have spoken to quite a few well known oncologists about this subject. It amazes me how little is known on the subject by so called experts. One thing that has been said to me on a number of occassions is that AAS does not cause cancer when used in reasonable dosages. The risk of kidney or liver damage or heart problems does exist. But this is usually in people who take large doses over a long period of time. As far as cell growth many are split on whether or not it will accelerate growth. Some Docs believe its the type of cancer cell that poses the problem. Bottom line is most of it is speculation rather than definative research. I guess I'll be the local guinea pig.

  18. #18
    Osiris is offline New Member
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    Thanks RedB and other broths for going in.

    Why I asked the question is as follows: I agree with kingof516 that at some time we all have abnormal cells which may or may not tranfer to a clusture of tumor cells - that depends upon specific immune cells and mononuclears and others.

    I supopse that at the some age the balance of abnormal cells growth and immune system approaches to destroy these cells is damaged and these cells are deviding faster than our immune system destroys it. THIS IS WHEN the cancer starts!
    Finally I undestood that we all have cancer risk, but I thin that if we new the age, when average human abalce mentioned above is broken, we could prevent this disbalance.

    In Ukraine Im using ERBISOL drug. Its oneof a kind.
    It promotes immune systems prolifiration and specialization.

    What I think is, maybe when we use GH, we need to put someting on the scales, just opposite GH, something whcih will overload the possible risk of GH.

    Im interested in our Chem Bros to advise what they think, like I said Im a doctor, and trying to find a safe way of using GH.

    If GH promotes thymus gland to grow, maybe we need more thymus factors fron outside?

    Im really happy with erbisol. if you wanna try, i can send you a couple of vials.

    Red B, pls comment the idea.

  19. #19
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    same effect? I don t htink so. the mode of action is totaly different and aas are also used for special kinds of cancer.

    btw there are signs that a decreasing of gh in the aging body makes sense: it decreases the risk of cancer.
    I don't understand what you are getting at, both of those link support my post. I will add one thing, when I was put on HRT, the Doc checked me every 3 months for cancer, then every 6 months, after the first year.

    One of those links said that below normal levels of hormones have less chance of getting cancer, but when we juice we have higher then normal levels of the hormone we take, which by the link you posted would increase the chance of cancer accruing, this is all if you already have the cancer cells, then the increased hormones will cause them to mutae faster.

    So, like I said I don't get what you are trying to say, since your links proved my point.


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