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  1. #1
    j.r.w. is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004
    houston, tx

    Did I do my shot right????

    I just took my first shot of (MR) IGF tonight. I took 20mcg in each pec PWO. I used a slin pin. I first drew up 10 units of water = 1 iu. Then I drew 2 ticks of IGF into the syringe. It doesn't seem like the needle is long enough to go IM even though I'm only around 8 or 9% BF. And its hard to believe that such a small amount will do anything. Am I doing this stuff correctly? Also, how do you draw the IGF out without any leaking out the top?

  2. #2
    juicehoe's Avatar
    juicehoe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2002
    the gym
    to not make it leak out of the top, turn it over so the top of the vial is facing up. Flick it alittle and then slowly take the pin out. I was having the same problem.

  3. #3
    j.r.w. is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    to not make it leak out of the top, turn it over so the top of the vial is facing up. Flick it alittle and then slowly take the pin out. I was having the same problem.
    'Preciate it bro.


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