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  1. #1
    Magnum II's Avatar
    Magnum II is offline Associate Member
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    Jintropin Vs. Humatropin vs. others

    I've used Jintropin, Saizen and Humatropin at times in the past, each for appx. six months @ 2 IUs per day--5 days on, 2 days off. In my opinion, the results varied pretty dramatically with Humatropin seeming like the most effective med of the three. I was able to get my body fat % as low as its ever been using the Lilly (Humatropin) product.

    Now in truth, there were some variations in how disciplined I was about my diet during those three events. I wish I could say I was always consistent and careful but...

    Anyway, I am curious as to what experience others have had with different meds. I can get Jintropin for about $3.30 per IU--the others at a much higher cost. But, if the consensus is that other meds are more effective than Jin, I'll have to consider the extra cost a necessary expense.

    Opinions Please?

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnum II
    I've used Jintropin, Saizen and Humatropin at times in the past, each for appx. six months @ 2 IUs per day--5 days on, 2 days off. In my opinion, the results varied pretty dramatically with Humatropin seeming like the most effective med of the three. I was able to get my body fat % as low as its ever been using the Lilly (Humatropin) product.

    Now in truth, there were some variations in how disciplined I was about my diet during those three events. I wish I could say I was always consistent and careful but...

    Anyway, I am curious as to what experience others have had with different meds. I can get Jintropin for about $3.30 per IU--the others at a much higher cost. But, if the consensus is that other meds are more effective than Jin, I'll have to consider the extra cost a necessary expense.

    Opinions Please?
    I use/used Jino and Saizen.

    Honestly I really can't see any difference accept the price.Saizen=$$$$$$,where as Jino is quite affordable.

    You made a very good point about diet.HGH is NOT an effective fat burner if your diet is poor.I hear guys in the gym,and read it on anabolic boards,stating they want to use HGH to cut.90 % of the time if they clean up the diet,they won't need drugs,PEROID!

  3. #3
    Magnum II's Avatar
    Magnum II is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2004

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