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  1. #1
    wrestler152 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005

    When to shoot igf

    I am new to igf. I am veryinterested though. Is this shot just like other aas or just into certain muscles. Dumb question i know. SOmeone said something about shooting muscles that were worked. Can you just inject ed alternating sites just like test or any other injectable?

  2. #2
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    lr3 igf-1 is best shot pwo or in the AM on non workout days. shoot it IM in a place that can be shot IM with a slinpin ie biceps. i just switch from left to right bicep.


  3. #3
    wrestler152 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    why do you need to shoot it in biceps. You can't shoot it in delts like i do my other gear. How is a slin pin different? Just learning about this. sorry if stupid questions

  4. #4
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by wrestler152
    why do you need to shoot it in biceps. You can't shoot it in delts like i do my other gear. How is a slin pin different? Just learning about this. sorry if stupid questions

    You dont need to shoot it in the biceps, I think thats just Rodges preference. I alternate between Bi's, delts and quads. But typically try to shoot the muscle worked.

    A slin pin is and insulin pin, 29gauge 1/2 inch. Thats all you need for IGF

  5. #5
    wrestler152 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    why is it good to shoot into the muscle worked?

  6. #6
    Brent_G's Avatar
    Brent_G is offline Associate Member
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    The optimal time to do a site-injection of IGF-1 is immediately AFTER your workout...then to be injected directly into the muscles just worked. The satellite cells have just been activated and the introduction of the IGF-1 will stimulate even more and cause the most increase in actual satellite cell release due to the stimulated state muscles are in after the workout... this makes a more advantageous environment for the IGF-1 to excite the release of more satellite cells.

  7. #7
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    You don't need to inject into the muscle worked with LR3 IGF-1. The reason for injecting in the worked muscle, was because rhIGF-1 was bound by IGF-1 Binding Protein. Which kept it at the injection of rhIGF-1 at the injection site. Since LR3 binds poorly to IGF-1 BP, it doesn't need to be injected in the worked muscle(s). Which give us better glucose uptake and a longer half-life, I inject in to my quads and it works fine for me. You can inject into any muscle as mentioned by rodge, it doesn't have to be site specific, like rhIGF-1


  8. #8
    juggernaut333 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    You don't need to inject into the muscle worked with LR3 IGF-1. The reason for injecting in the worked muscle, was because rhIGF-1 was bound by IGF-1 Binding Protein. Which kept it at the injection of rhIGF-1 at the injection site. Since LR3 binds poorly to IGF-1 BP, it doesn't need to be injected in the worked muscle(s). Which give us better glucose uptake and a longer half-life, I inject in to my quads and it works fine for me. You can inject into any muscle as mentioned by rodge, it doesn't have to be site specific, like rhIGF-1


    I was doing it subq for two weeks then switched to IM site specific with a slin pin.Definately the way to go over subq.But I have been shooting it postworkout into the worked muscles as everything I have read other than this has said that was optimal?Perhaps ill run an experiment with the next cycle.Plus,I swear my bis and chest have been brougth up considerably more in the time ive used IGF and those are the muscles I have been site injecting into.Going to start whacking thighs as well to help bring them up.

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