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  1. #1
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    OraTropin IGF-1 40mcg for 15 days or 80mcg for 7 ?

    Comming to the end of my cycle now i start PCT in a week or so, still got a week left or prop and some dbol hanging around, got an oratropin kit here too, 15 oral syringes at 40mcg...which would be more benificial, 80mcg for 7 days just in time for PCT to start (taking it with prop and could add some dbol because iv heard it works better with those) or 15 days at 40mcg ? Or shall i run it PCT ? Which would be more benificial ? Do i need CRAZY amounts of protein for it to work ? Or is this not true ?

  2. #2
    hulk100 is offline Junior Member
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    7 days sound way to short i would get one more kit and run 40mcg for 4v

  3. #3
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    Comming to the end of my cycle now i start PCT in a week or so, still got a week left or prop and some dbol hanging around, got an oratropin kit here too, 15 oral syringes at 40mcg...which would be more benificial, 80mcg for 7 days just in time for PCT to start (taking it with prop and could add some dbol because iv heard it works better with those) or 15 days at 40mcg ? Or shall i run it PCT ? Which would be more benificial ? Do i need CRAZY amounts of protein for it to work ? Or is this not true ?

    My feeling is this: with the oral IGF(heard very bad things),and that dose,you will not notice nothing.So don`t worry about the protein.


  4. #4
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    so i would see no results from 15x 40mcg oral syringes ? Nothing what so ever ? Thats ridiculas

  5. #5
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    i don't why anybody would take oratropin when its just as easy to get some injectable lr3.but since you allready got it then i would take it at 40mcg for 15 days. use it in pct.


  6. #6
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    will i see any weight gains ?

  7. #7
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    will i see any weight gains ?
    prob not.


  8. #8
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Do 15 days at 40mcg


  9. #9
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    But seriously, what will be the effects of 15 days in PCT ? I cant understand how it will do nothing at all, if so why do they sell 15 day kits ? Will it cut any bodyfat then ?

  10. #10
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    iv got 15 days left before PCT starts, if i run it for 2 weeks with test prop and threw in 12 days of Dbol at 45mg would is see more results ? Heard it works alot better with AAS

  11. #11
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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  12. #12
    j martini is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    iv got 15 days left before PCT starts, if i run it for 2 weeks with test prop and threw in 12 days of Dbol at 45mg would is see more results ? Heard it works alot better with AAS

    Yeah you will probably see a little loss of bodyfat and maybe 1-2 pounds of LBM. But nothing major it is an advanced compound for people who are looking a little more than AAS can provide and who are already at an advanced level.

    If your looking for someone to say it will add 15 pounds that is not going to happen, sorry to dissapoint you.

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