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  1. #1
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    My Daily Routine - IGF Cause Any Problems?

    I am going to start LR3 IGF today and inject PWO. Studied up quite a bit and conversed with some very knowledgeable guys here on the board. Thanks.

    Couple of quick questions regarding my daily routine just to make sure.

    1) At least 5 days a week, i wake up, inject 2 ius of GH drink a couple glasses of water and hit the Precor for 45-50 mins. On two of these cardio days, I do not lift and I would be injecting IGF first thing in the AM. Will I run the risk of going hypo during Cardio? Should I inject the IGF post cardio and right before my morning meal which is normally egg whites and oatmeal?

    2) I also weight train around 6:00 pm and finish just before 7:00 pm. I plan on injecting IGF PWO on these days and doing a PWO shake with 50-60 grams of isolate protein and around 50 grams of dextrose and 50 grams of maltodextrose. Then in about an hour, I will eat a very lean protein and a high glycemic carb (sweet potatoes, brown rice). This meal is usually around 8:00 pm. I normally then consume a shake right before bed that has about 50 grams of whey and 2 tablespoons of Flax. However, if I understood things correctly the IGF will still be active in my body and avoiding fats is necessary for at least 6 hours post injection. Just curious as to what others would do.


  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Do your IGF shot post cardio.

    You'll need to eat at 10pm also.Then your bedtime shake.

    It's great to try an do things correctly as possible.Just don't be an over-analyzer.


  3. #3
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    Feb 2005
    Thanks.....I just don't want to do something stupid, so therefore the flurry of questions over the last few days.

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit
    Thanks.....I just don't want to do something stupid, so therefore the flurry of questions over the last few days.
    I totally understand!!

    Good Luck on the IGF run!


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