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  1. #1
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    Do You Think My Insulin Is Bunk.

    okay ive had my insulin for about 5 months in fridge and may be less effective due to the unpreventable changes in the temperture of my fridge.

    my test below what do you think is it bunk and should be thrown out ?

    ive used a max of 15 ius before of humalog. insulin shots done IM with 1/2 inch needle into calve.

    10.15 am , woke up after 8 hr fast ,readings 105mg/dl
    10.25am, 22 ius slin
    10.30, 50 g dex , 5 g glutamine, 7 g creatine.
    10.51 am , 85 grams protein whey , 1 st reading 112 mg/dl
    11.05 am , 2nd reading 121 mg/dl
    11.18am, 3rd reading 137mg/dl
    11.33 am , 4 th reading 135 mg.dl
    12.20 pm, 5 th reading 78 , 2 weetbix , low fat milk , 4 slices white bread 200 g lean minced beef
    1.10 pm 128mg/dl

    i think its bunk my readings are way off. and i can use 50 grams dex for 22 ius slin and dont get hypo at all afer even a hour .

    what do you think

  2. #2
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
    Mr. Sparkle is offline Slinabolic Vet / Retired
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    not sure, maybe.....

    but why in the world are you using 22ius????????

  3. #3
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    i tryed 22ius for the first time as i was my montoring my blood sugar levels with glucose metre. i also tryed 30 ius yesterday post workout with 50g dex and still no hypo. im going to throw it out and see if i can get more. it feels like im not even using slin its just feels close to my normal insulin levels.
    well mr sparkle if you couldnt answer this no one will be able to help me.

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    i also tryed 30 ius yesterday post workout with 50g dex and still no hypo.
    Looking at those numbers,I feel it's safe to assume it's degraded.


  5. #5
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    2 experienced vets enough information for me to chuck it out.
    well that test i did was at 22ius , maybe i could use more to compensate ?

  6. #6
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    2 experienced vets enough information for me to chuck it out.
    well that test i did was at 22ius , maybe i could use more to compensate ?
    It's so cheap bro.Just get another bottle.Why use an inferior product,ya know?


  7. #7
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    It's so cheap bro.Just get another bottle.Why use an inferior product,ya know?

    exactly what I was thinking....its too cheap to not just throw out. It sounds degraded to me, althought I will add....I ahve had the same thing happend where I was testing it to see if it was bunk and I got hypo, but it took two hours!! It takes me a while to get hypo, but I never go up to 22iu's!! Damn!

  8. #8
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
    Mr. Sparkle is offline Slinabolic Vet / Retired
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    yeah if you had to take 22 ius there is a problem.....

    I was thinking you tried 22ius off the bat

  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Just because you don't go hypo, it doesn't necessaraly mean the insulin is no good. If you have kept it at the right temp and if it hasn't expired yet, it will be good to go.


  10. #10
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    nah the stuff is junk. ill chuck it no more slin for me , all insulin in my country requires script and no on ships slin here. how could i trick or get a doctor to prescribe me humalog legally. could i take a shot of my bunk slin time it right so when i get a blood test it looks like im a diabetic. ?

  11. #11
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    yeah it says keep between 2-8 degrees celcius . ive had it ranging between -1 to +12 + depending of weather

  12. #12
    Whitey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Just because you don't go hypo, it doesn't necessaraly mean the insulin is no good. If you have kept it at the right temp and if it hasn't expired yet, it will be good to go.

    Is it true that slin will turn milky when it goes bad?

  13. #13
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
    Mr. Sparkle is offline Slinabolic Vet / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey
    Is it true that slin will turn milky when it goes bad?
    when its really bad yes

  14. #14
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
    oswaldosalcedo is offline Senior Member
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    buy another !

  15. #15
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    gates of hell

  16. #16
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey
    Is it true that slin will turn milky when it goes bad?
    Hi Whitey,

    Your question depends on what kind of insulin we are talking about. The quiker acting insulins such as Humalog look like water, and if that was to go off I believe it's colour wouldn't change. I believe it would look the same as it usually does except be ineffective. I only say this as momentaraly I have a few Humalog bottles that have been sitting there (non refridgirated) way past it's expiry date and that have experienced teperatures beyond 40c and stilll look the same as when I first got them straight from the chemist. So as I said, when it comes to Humalog, and it has gone off or lost its effectiveness, I believe you won't be able to tell just by looking at it. You will have to try it to know.

    On the other hand, you have other insulins that are structured differently. For example, we have insulins that are long lasting (usually the type of insulin that diabetics take at night) and these are insulins that actually look a bit different to Humalog. These insulins look a bit milky, and if they go off perhaps they can look even milikier/thicker.

    Hope that helped.


  17. #17
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    As mentioned before, insulin is cheap, play the game safe and get another botttle is your best bet.


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