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  1. #1
    snoopy's Avatar
    snoopy is offline Associate Member
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    rHGH 12th week growth spurt?

    I am on my 12th week of Jin GenSci at only 5 I.U. Just started a new cycle as follows:
    Test max 400 @ 1cc
    Cyp 200 @ 1cc
    androl 50 one tab a day

    started a week ago, people in work, family and guys in the gym have remarked that I look thicker in the arm and lat, I have gained about six pound in weight and still losing on the waist. I am 37 training for a 2 years and this is my fifth cycle. I was told that growth can kick in and you start gaining muscle quickly is this a load of bull or is there some truth to it.

    Can you guys help me with this?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails rHGH 12th week growth spurt?-dragon.jpg  

  2. #2
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    working out for 2 years and allready done five cycles???


  3. #3
    snoopy's Avatar
    snoopy is offline Associate Member
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    I've been working out about 11 years in total stoped for three due to ill health, back to it the last two years. I hope tis clears things up a bit.
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  4. #4
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by snoopy
    I was told that growth can kick in and you start gaining muscle quickly is this a load of bull or is there some truth to it.
    I've never gained muscle quickly on growth. At your similar dose gains seem to appear after the 4th month or so and slowly progress. Definitely not a huge mass builder by any means. A great synergist in all cycles but in no possible way a huge LBM progressor.

  5. #5
    snoopy's Avatar
    snoopy is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for your comment, you hear a lot of street lore on HGH, I am using for weight loss, (with cardio) lost 10 inches from the waist, but little weight I weighed about 220 now about 190. I'll have to post a picture.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails rHGH 12th week growth spurt?-dragon.jpg  

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    10 inches!! Well done.

  7. #7
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by snoopy
    you hear a lot of street lore on HGH,
    I think the reason for this is b/c the people that rave about GH are the people that have never ran it. Comments like "GH gets you jacked" and "run insulin with it and you get enormous" typically come from people that know nothing about it.

    People tell me all the time that their friend ran 4 kits and got enormous. 4 kits lasts me about 2 months

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