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Thread: Hi Im new

  1. #1
    elfebo is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Hi Im new

    first ting....Sorry for my bad italian!!

    I want to ask something about igf1...a product that i have discover with your site (in the past I have only considerated the hgh and not the igf1)

    1)the best mode to use the igf1 lr3 is only after a workout, or all days?and at same quantity?...(for example...50mcg after workout and 50mcg in non workout days...or 50 and 30?)..and I have read many post of this section but i don't understand one thing...the igf1 injection is prefered on the muscle that I was training..but the injection si intramuscolar or like gh injection (under skin)?

    2) why the igf1 best using is with test? is the same thing if I use the igf1 with other steroid like boldenone ,winstrol ,primobolan ,masteron (to not take the water ritention of testosterone ...)

    3) if I use only igf1 on 50mcg/days what i can aspect with this cycle? is good to make a bridge?only fat burning? preserve the gain of the precedent cycle?

    thanks at all...and sorry sorry sorry for my very bad language...i try to speak correct...but probably I have make many syntax error!!!

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    1) everything in this category is all personal experience some people swear by two shot's a day some people take it all PWO. There is no added benefit to shooting the muscle you trained. you shoot IM with igf1

    2) you can take igf1 by itself if you want. There is no need to stack it with roids

    3) this all depends on a lot of things diet training rest and your genetics nobody can answer the question
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    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


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