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  1. #1
    Titan1 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Lr3 igf-1 does it really work???

    I´ve tried lr3 myselfe but i read that some people get good results and some dont get anything and i ask myselfe those that get results is it really from the lr3 igf-1 or maybe from the aas they are mixing it with or they just gain weight because they eat alot of protein during the cycle so what do you guys think does it work or is it a wast of money? and the same question about hgh

  2. #2
    Triposinator's Avatar
    Triposinator is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2005
    a friend of StayinStacked that had some great results. Here is the thread

    The vets, (like Rodge) here said "yup" 4 pounds a week of Lean Mass from 60mcg of IGF sounded reasonable to them. Apparently this is true regardless of the diet too.

    If you can lay on 4 pounds a week of LBM though it isn't just worth it...its a no-brainer, and on a $ per pound basis its the biggest bargin around. Particularly when you can eat like crap.

    A really stunning 12 week cycle of juice/aas might yield 20 pounds of "keepable" gain. And you have to watch what you eat.

    As for why some many people don't get those results - lean mass, etc. well the vets blamed it on bum/fake product.

    Quote Originally Posted by Titan1
    I´ve tried lr3 myselfe but i read that some people get good results and some dont get anything and i ask myselfe those that get results is it really from the lr3 igf-1 or maybe from the aas they are mixing it with or they just gain weight because they eat alot of protein during the cycle so what do you guys think does it work or is it a wast of money? and the same question about hgh

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