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  1. #1
    mrpower is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    GHRP questions???

    I recently received my order of GHRP very promptly I might ad! Where do I get the solution to mix it with? And any advice from anyone who has used it??? How long? How much?? Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Carlito B is offline Big Pimp
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    GH-releasing hexapeptide (GHRP-6) is a secratogue peptide that stimulates the release of growth hormone (GH) by acting at both hypothalamic and pituitary sites.

    GHRP-6 duplicates the way the growth hormone works in the body. In studies it not only has shown to enhance growth hormone levels, but also increased the pulsatile secretory bursts of GH. Another remarkable trait of GHRP-6 is its increase in normal pulsatile physiological secretion by its hypothalamic action.

    Initial studies with GHRP-6 suggested that this compound acted primarily on the pituitary gland and was absolutely specific for GH release. More recent studies have qualified both of these assumptions. This peptide has been clinically verified to increase GH levels, increase appetite, raise IGF-1 levels, help sleep cycles and more.

    DOSAGES are from 400mcgs to 600mcgs daily admnistered via sc (sub-q) divided in 2 to 3 injections.

    GHRP-6 will have this effects on you:

    Increase natural production of GH
    Increase in energy
    Increase in sense of well being
    Better deeper sleep
    MILD increase of appetite
    Aid in the healing of joints and tendons

    Based on the above we can safely state that GHRP-6 :

    Is best if used after a GH CYCLE since it WILL restore natural GH levels naturally back to normal.

    inject 5mls of sterile water into vial, each 10ius ( insulin syringe ) is 100mcgs.
    once diluted it must be used within 7 to 10 days and ALWAYS store in the fridge.

    Please let us know how it works for you.



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