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  1. #41
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    it must be hard living in a town where everyone is juiced up and not wanna juice your brains out,lol. But really, they are being foolish. They will flare up, and burn out...but if you do things smart you will LAST LONGER , and thats what matters.
    Now even though i would never recomend starting steroids in the teen years, i do know a few guys that have been using since then and they are fine, but they are the exception, not the rule, and they certainly werent using enough to break any records by 22.
    Also, i read an article in mens health like 5 years ago called "Steroids Can Break Your Heart" (A bullshit title once again propaganding steroids' negative image), however, the story was interesting. A 22 year old steroid user was admitted into the ER. They found he had MASSIVE atherosclerosis(clogged arteries) 22! The guy had the most impressive physique the doctor had seen yet and had even squated 800lbs earlier that day. They said he had been taking steroids for 5 years i believe.
    How that happens i have no idea, when ther are pros bb's using for 10-15 years or more...but at least there is a method to ther madness. This kid to have clogged his arteries in 5YEARS was iether hypercholesterolemic(hypercholoesterolemia is a diseas where choloesterol is super high) and never knew it, or he used certain roids, the wrong way, and never had enough off time. Dht derivatives, orals, certain anti estrogens are all terrible for your lipids. I would think someone would have to run these drugs constantly for that 5 year period to clogg their pipes. It didnt mention whethor he smoked or not which would be a factor also, and im sure he never got the BW done. Had he gotten BW his lipid panel would have shown obvious red flags. It was a terrible story, and made me second guess touching anything till i learned more.

    but they checked your arteries right?

  2. #42
    Ironman5151 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah they checked them for blockage, I was good.

  3. #43
    ftony is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironman5151
    yeah they checked them for blockage, I was good.
    dam sorry to hear this....i read some of your post, im no expert on juice but i know a thing or too and i know first hand my bro just had a heart attack at age 33. his doc told him it was from the tren as well,thank god hes still alive,i have another guy i know that had 3 heart attacks by age 35(brews his own tren) now im not saying its the juice because i have no scientific evidence but who knows.... maybe you should do what you said and take a break..Im trying to talk my brother out of it but he dont listen to me he did tren 2 months after the attack!!!anyway be careful and just a side note: hgh can cause high blood pressure as well ...good luck bro feel better..
    Last edited by ftony; 01-08-2007 at 03:20 PM.

  4. #44
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I don't think those dosages are very extreme personally but whatever, obviously it is something genetically that needs to be looked into.

    I wouldn't have disclosed my gear usage with the doctors for the simple fact that it will blind them from seeing what the real problem is, now it seems they can't get past the fact of the gear that was being used..
    I'd go see another doctor that is a cardiac specialist and not mention the drug usage and being PCT asap until you can figure out what the problem is.
    -B D

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    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

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  5. #45
    rock75's Avatar
    rock75 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironman5151
    Yes, this definitaly has been a eye openier for me. I been regreting forever now that I started to early. Thanks to the forums I regret. My town is full of young steroid users. Almost the whole high school is on. I'm talking 16 and 17 years old that know nothing about steroids , taking 500mg+ for 16 weeks. No education, no PCT. I know of atleast 15 young users off the top my head. Just buying and injecting. I been needing to give my body a big break, and I was just waiting until this summer after my competition to take it. Now it has just came a little early. Just going to turn to slin and igf for a long time, until my body feel recovred from everything and blood work shows i'm back to normal. My usual dosage usually consist of 800-1000mg at max. I just got a little carried away wanting to set new world record. I still have a year before I turn 23, so I have time to heal and try again. Like everyone says, nothing is worth risking my life. i have plenty of time. Just glad to be alive and its break time.
    very smart decision, but i would be VERY careful messing with slin bro, slightest error and you could end up dead.

  6. #46
    Hooligan's Avatar
    Hooligan is offline Associate Member
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    reviewing this thread the whole time i was just imagining that it's a bit more taxing for a heart to support 150 lbs. of lean mass compared to 230 lbs. of lean mass. i wouldn't go too hard too fast--the lifestyle is a marathon not a sprint.

    and there are other ways to get rock hard erections and explosive orgasms other than viagra and sex drugs but you'll figure that out as you get older


  7. #47
    Asmodeus__ is offline New Member
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    It seems to me its just another case of too much gear too fast, probably high caloric intake, with a lot of fats, salt, no PCT and no rest between cycles.
    You are human, Boy, remember that at all times.
    Bodybuilding is a sport of consistency and Knowledge. Its not a quick sprint.
    The more you know about training, nutrition, roids, etc and the more you are consistent putting your knowledge in practice is what defines your level of success.
    I once talked to a guy that was training for 6 months, barely knew the correct technical procedure of each exercise and that was eager to be on gear for the first time. Aproached me asking questions. I gave them. In the conversation, he said some "huge guy" from another gym recommended he was on 1 Gram testoviron + 1 Gram sustanon + 1 Gram of Deca per week, spiking to 2 Grams of Testoviron and Sustanon. And For PCT only Tribulus. Yeah, that "huge guy" seem to know a lot about roids. About as much as my Granny.

    IF you ask my educated opinion, Be a while off gear totally, concentrating on mild anti-catabolics such as Glutamine and Vitamin C and proper diet, fibrous Carbs, Enough Protein and some healthy fats such as olive Oil.
    If after say 3 or 4 or 6 months your BP levels are still abnormal, most likely It's a condition that has nothing to do with roids.
    Last edited by Asmodeus__; 01-10-2007 at 12:30 PM.

  8. #48
    roensan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hooligan
    reviewing this thread the whole time i was just imagining that it's a bit more taxing for a heart to support 150 lbs. of lean mass compared to 230 lbs. of lean mass. i wouldn't go too hard too fast--the lifestyle is a marathon not a sprint.

    and there are other ways to get rock hard erections and explosive orgasms other than viagra and sex drugs but you'll figure that out as you get older

    Finally someone with the same thoughts!

  9. #49
    a lifeless plague's Avatar
    a lifeless plague is offline Junior Member
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    i think everyone is being a little rough on ironman. the tren and viagra combo to my best assumption was the problem. the idea about hgh and some IGF could work. as long as you know about IGF, the ins and out and how to take it and when and what to eat then trying a little is an option. im guessing you know a bit to consider touching insulin . just careful with the tren in the future, tren is some powerful stuff and a very weird compound alone.

  10. #50
    Ironman5151 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah, its little over a week later and i'm back to 100%. I'm just to consideration that it took a little while for the pill to get out of my system. I also took a pill that was homemade from a friend. He said it had cialis and some other herbs and that the pill would last up to a week. Whatever was in the pill plus the vigra kicked me for a loop. I'm still going to take a break and just learn from my lesson. I've been running insulin almost 2 years now without any problems, so its a favorite as well.

    Thanks again for everyone input, support and advice. These forums are wonderful.

  11. #51
    roensan is offline New Member
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    Take good care of yourself my friend.
    You want to start a family once and want to live another 60 years.

    good luck

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