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  1. #1
    dblock189 is offline Associate Member
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    somewhere eating

    igf1 carb cycling help

    hey bros,

    I posted a msg the other day regarding how to eat carbs on igf1 for maximum fat loss and anthony roberts said that he said most bodybuilders find carb cycling most effective. I have heard this before but i still dont have a good undesrstanding of it. Can somebody please help me out? i want to try to do that while on igf1 so i can lose fat and also t3...Can sombody lead me in the right direction...

    Thanks bros


  2. #2
    pscarb's Avatar
    pscarb is offline Junior Member
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    Carb cycling is very simple really the problem is a starting amount...

    firstly i believe that your protein should remain the same throughout no matter the carb intake..

    Begin with an amount of carbs you know will allow you to drop weight so say you are eating 500g now then use something like this...
    High day - 500g
    Moderate day - 250g
    Low day - 125g
    Very low day - 50g (this is not always needed)

    i would always cycle over a 7 day period something like this

    Sun - Very low day
    Mon - Low day
    Tues - Moderate day
    Wed - high day
    Thurs - Very low day
    Fri - Low day
    Sat - High day or re-feed day depending on your goals and how hard it is for you to lose fat.

    so that is the carbs now i also rotate my fat levels mainly from good sources like salmon, Udo's, nuts and seeds etc etc now through my time i have worked out my levels unfortunately i cannot say what would work for you as an individual without seeing how you react to a diet and anyone who says they can are here is my fat cycle..

    High day - 25g
    Moderate day - 75g
    Low day - 100g
    Very low day - 125g (this is not always needed)

    this is how i do my carb cycling and as you can see it is not rocket science but it works for me and many others who i coach.....

  3. #3
    dblock189 is offline Associate Member
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    somewhere eating
    pscarb, thank you so much i appreciate it bro you really cleared that up for for the carbs...i guess i have to start counting and also what would u say the best source of carbs would be? i usually do brown pasta, rice baked potatoes, what do you think? and also postwork you would say lots of carbs and protein rite? Thanks man


  4. #4
    pscarb's Avatar
    pscarb is offline Junior Member
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    no problem mate...

    As for carb sources we all have our favorites mine are basmati rice, Sweet potato/noodles/Oats i don't like to use baked potatoes as the GI is very high...

    Now i go against the grain when it comes to PWO carb intake as i just use a shake containing protein and good fats after a workout now this is unusual but it definitely works for me...

  5. #5
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    no problem mate...

    As for carb sources we all have our favorites mine are basmati rice, Sweet potato/noodles/Oats i don't like to use baked potatoes as the GI is very high...

    Now i go against the grain when it comes to PWO carb intake as i just use a shake containing protein and good fats after a workout now this is unusual but it definitely works for me...

    Your right this is definitely unusual

    can i ask your reasoning for this mate?
    is there any scientific research that suggests this is effective? if so why?

  6. #6
    pscarb's Avatar
    pscarb is offline Junior Member
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    scientific research i cannot say that their is to be truthfull and it was something that i stumbled on a few yrs back when i used to struggle to get in condition for a show, i have used it ever since when carb cycling for a comp all i can say is that i recover from the workout and don't lose muscle....

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