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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Differences between blue and brown top HGH?

    just wondering what the differences (if any) there are between just the generic blue and brown tops? also, are there lots of different manufacturers of both, or are they predominantly made by the same manufacturer? just wondering cause i'm considering getting some of them, but not sure which ones to get.

    if i got both, how much should i get of both to see which one is better? i have a shipment of some jin coming my way that i know is great, 100iu's of it, which will last me 2 months, then i wanna immediately switch over to the blue and brown tops. now, i'm just wondering how long i'd need to stay on each of them to see if they're working just as the prior HGH i used before it?

  2. #2
    inevitable's Avatar
    inevitable is offline Member
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    Jan 2004
    from what i have noticed. if u have a stand up source. the browns are more potent that blues. my browns @ 3iu's i feel the same effect when im on 6iu's of blues.

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