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  1. #1
    bigdylan is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Anyone have any experience with GHRP-6

    Thinking about running it with my anavar cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

  3. #3
    bigdylan is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Good article Anthony. You really gained 12 pounds in 2 weeks on it? You think some of that was bloat? You think it's possible to use it to shed some pounds?

    I'm currently running GH and was thinking of throwing it in there with some Anavar . My source was carrying it and I read some stuff on it about it's fat burning, lean muscle properties and figured what the hell I'd order it. I really don't want to get fat on it though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I didn't like it at all, really. It was too much weight too fast. It was just from eating as much as the stuff made me eat, from the increase in Ghrelin.

    Ghrelin (although it increases GH levels) is a really bad hormone to increase for the most part ( much as GHRP-6 increases it); it's strongly linked to obesity.

    It makes me laugh because a certain research chem company actually sells Ghrelin (!) ...I suppose if somebody wants to get very fat in a short amount of time, it's a good product.

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