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  1. #1
    gotjuice? is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    1 shot or 2 that is the Q

    it is much easier for me to take one shot in the morning and be done with it. i am taking 4 ius a day about to go to 5 ius a day. is it that much better to break up my shots or can i just shoot all 5 at once??? i know breaking it up sounds better but does it really make a difference?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    With the doses you are talking about, it isn't going to make THAT much of a difference. A single early morning injection protocol should still get the job done for you. Breaking it up into morning / early afternoon may offer a little better cortisol blunting ... but not really a make or break proposition.

    If one inject works best for your schedule run with it. The most important thing is to take a respectable weekly dose, which it sounds like you are doing.

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