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  1. #1
    ollieolson99's Avatar
    ollieolson99 is offline Associate Member
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    Talking Perscritption HGH

    SO i found a good firend of mine/ Doctor who is gonna perscribe me some grade A hgh. My question is this: He states that most of the hgh is compounded growth so thats why some are taking 4-6ius a day. He states that the lab he will perscribe it from took 250 million to build and that the growth i will be getting is so concentrated that 1iu is good enough for me. Now i also want to stack this hgh with some sus and eq however i noticed most web sites didn't have any nolv while on the test nor didiit list and liquidex while on the test. Is there a reason that you dont need these things while on hgh and the sus and eq? And is it possible to get the growth so concentrated that only 1iu 5/2 is all i would need? Any advice or opionions would be great bro's.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    1IU doesn't seem enough in any case. You see, qualafied paractitioners know about HGH when it comes to use for health reason, but they know very little when it comes to HGH use for sport enhancing purposes so even though he is very well educated in this field I wouldn't listen to him too much.

    As for AAS, the use of AAS depends on what you want to achieve. Visit the AAS forum for more answers.


  3. #3
    slayer1983 is offline Associate Member
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    that dr better be careful they are starting to crack down on that shit

  4. #4
    ricker35910's Avatar
    ricker35910 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ollieolson99 View Post
    SO i found a good firend of mine/ Doctor who is gonna perscribe me some grade A hgh. My question is this: He states that most of the hgh is compounded growth so thats why some are taking 4-6ius a day. He states that the lab he will perscribe it from took 250 million to build and that the growth i will be getting is so concentrated that 1iu is good enough for me. Now i also want to stack this hgh with some sus and eq however i noticed most web sites didn't have any nolv while on the test nor didiit list and liquidex while on the test. Is there a reason that you dont need these things while on hgh and the sus and eq? And is it possible to get the growth so concentrated that only 1iu 5/2 is all i would need? Any advice or opionions would be great bro's.
    my doc has me on 2iu's, been on for over 1yr. the results you will see is some fat burning, better sleep, injuries will start to heal, and more sex drive. if you want to take a higher dose what you'll have to do is sit on your first couple of scripts until you have enough to do 2-3iu's per day.

  5. #5
    Gears's Avatar
    Gears is offline Member
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    How do you manage to get HGH perscribed?

  6. #6
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    You get old, and then they prescrbe it. In most cases, but everyone is different.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gears View Post
    How do you manage to get HGH perscribed?

  7. #7
    ricker35910's Avatar
    ricker35910 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gears View Post
    How do you manage to get HGH perscribed?
    find an anti-aging and wellness doc and get some blood work done.

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