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  1. #1
    mattosteel is offline Junior Member
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    taking my gh and eating

    ok i just need to clear some things up, cuz i read these threads and i get so many different angles on when to do my gh and eat, so i'll tell you guys what i do and any input please let me know. I have not split my injections yet because my nutritionist says to do it all pwo, and it is working very good. Once i leave the gym I drink a carbo-force that has a 100g of carbs in it. then 5 minutes later i get home and do 5 iu's of gh sub q in the abdomen. Immediately following that i do a 50 gram protein shake, 1 hour later I eat a meal. Now i don't take any slin because i've tried it and my body doesn't really work good with it, no matter if i do 4iu's or 12. So in a nutshell, will I become a diabetic if i don't use the slin, and when should i eat with this stuff so I don't get any problems if that is the case?

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Gear will probably be able to give you better advice but right off the bat, having 100g of medium to fast acting carbs at the same timeframe as your gh injection without slin can't be good for insulin resistance in the long run. You'd be better off splitting your dosage between AM and early evening leaving at least a one hr carb-free window before and after injecting.

  3. #3
    mattosteel is offline Junior Member
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    in that case wouldn't it be best to take one shot as soon as you wake up, drink a protein shake and then eat 1 hour after?

  4. #4
    mattosteel is offline Junior Member
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    but pwo you need carbs, so you can't take your gh then unless you take some slin with it.

  5. #5
    mattosteel is offline Junior Member
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    for some messed up reason my mind doesn't function right with slin in it.

  6. #6
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    to post 1: you could do that - but if it's higher than 3 ius, then I would split it for more consistent blood levels

    post 2: I'm taking gh without slin right now, so I take a second jab 30 mins before workout (first jab in the AM), and take a hi-GI PWO shake after (so roughly 90 - 100 minutes after the jab) and find it to work just fine (I tested with a blood glucose monitor to make sure everything is a-ok)

    post 3: slin is a serious compound because the risks far outweigh the rewards, especially if you don't know how to time it. You're better off not using it if you're unsure. Just take some T3 (or T4) or even some igf PWO to increase gh's efficacy without the slin.

    just my 02

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    This is the issues when taking HGH PWO. Since carbos are not a good idea around HGH injection, you will have to lose out on taking carbs PWO. Having said this, you would be losing a lot of essenitial PWO fuel if you were not to take carbs PWO. So, to be able to take your carbs PWO without effecting your HGH, simply take your HGH at other times of the day.


  8. #8
    mattosteel is offline Junior Member
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    now do you think if i do like 2ius of slin it would be better to do this, just so i can have some shuttling of the nutrients in my muscles instead of just wasting it. Cuz I want to do my carbo force pwo with my gh because it has been working so well for me, or should i do it at different times of the day

  9. #9
    mattosteel is offline Junior Member
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    now for insane in the membrane, what do you eat before your workout, cuz i usually eat some peanut butter on whole wheat bread and some fat free milk. but that will screw the gh up also won't it?

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Insulin PWO is defenitely a good idea as it will assist in shuttling nutrients into cells and therefore deliver greater recovery. If you are going to do this, I would take your HGH at another time during the day, perhaps in the AM and/or early afternoon so this way the carbs PWO won't interfere with your HGH in any way.

    Also, regarding the question you directed at insane, if you are taking your HGH immidietly PWO, I would stay away from consuming carbohydrates right before you train. Basically, I would stay away from carbs about 1 hour before and after HGH injection. I usually eat about 2 - 3hrs before I train, but that's just me. Proteins and fats are ok around HGH time.


  11. #11
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^^ the master has spoken!


  12. #12
    mattosteel is offline Junior Member
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    hey thanks gear ill give it a try

  13. #13
    RJstrong's Avatar
    RJstrong is offline Senior Member
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    Listen to Gear... he is giving very sound advice. Keep it simple no carbs 1 hour before or after injection. Injection timing can be individualistic... what I can tell you is what has worked well for me. Split your daily dose into 2 injections... I prefer to wake up a hour before breakfast and dose and than again a hour after dinner. Pretty much taking a shot every 10- 12 hours. Good luck bro... if done correctly and consistently you should be happy with your results.

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