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  1. #1
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    ? for Gear about slin

    One thing that has me wondering is how do those that use slin combat the possiblity decrease of insulin sensitivity by the muscles. I know obviously that one is by exercise itself. But I would speculate that it only can help so much.

    Also is it effective to use when blood glucose is low as to over express the insulin receptors and then hit them with some simple carbs very rapidly like in PWO situations. I have been pouring over the thread looking for the answer, so i figured I would go to the expert and spare myself some time as you probably know already.

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    One thing that has me wondering is how do those that use slin combat the possiblity decrease of insulin sensitivity by the muscles. I know obviously that one is by exercise itself. But I would speculate that it only can help so much.
    Many will turn to supplments when it comes to this. R-ALA and Chromium both increase insulin sensetivity, but like you said it only helps so much.

    One of our MODS here uses R-ALA all throughout the day when he uses insulin. I believe he uses about 900mgs pday spread throughout the day (AM, PWO and bedtime).

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Also is it effective to use when blood glucose is low
    Yes, absolutely. As a matter of fact, insulin is mostly used when your blood glucose is low anyway (PWO or AM), you just need to ensure your body receives the necessary nutrients post injection and till insulin is no longer active in your body.



  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Many will turn to supplments when it comes to this. R-ALA and Chromium both increase insulin sensetivity, but like you said it only helps so much.

    One of our MODS here uses R-ALA all throughout the day when he uses insulin. I believe he uses about 900mgs pday spread throughout the day (AM, PWO and bedtime).

    Yes, absolutely. As a matter of fact, insulin is mostly used when your blood glucose is low anyway (PWO or AM), you just need to ensure your body receives the necessary nutrients post injection and till insulin is no longer active in your body.


    Thanks man, awesome info insulin is one of the most interesting hormones in the body. If I ever decide to get my Ph.D in a couple years I would be interested in studying that.

    Another Question, do you have to cycle or do some sort of PCT so that you don't get a decrease in pancreatic insulin production?

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Thanks man, awesome info insulin is one of the most interesting hormones in the body. If I ever decide to get my Ph.D in a couple years I would be interested in studying that.
    Yes it's defenitely an interesting topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Another Question, do you have to cycle or do some sort of PCT so that you don't get a decrease in pancreatic insulin production?
    IMO no, and I have two reason for that. First reason, there is no study which shows insulin use can lead to pancreas producing insufficient amount of insulin. And the second reason is based on my experience. I have used this drug many times without any type of PCT and never felt a crash or anything as such post cycle.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Yes it's defenitely an interesting topic.

    IMO no, and I have two reason for that. First reason, there is no study which shows insulin use can lead to pancreas producing insufficient amount of insulin. And the second reason is based on my experience. I have used this drug many times without any type of PCT and never felt a crash or anything as such post cycle.

    Yeah that would make since, since insulin is regulated by blood sugar in serum and to my knowledge is not regulated by another hormone other than epinephrine but only at the level of the muscle or fat cells.

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