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  1. #1
    WarEagleMan is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I am new to taking anything other than just the good ole reg stuff (test, anavar , deca u know)

    well i was wanting to get into taking something else but have no one to talk to or steer me in the right direction on things..

    i have found a website that has PEGylated MGF(IGF-1Ec3)
    and also has 1GF-1LR3

    can i take these by themselves??? can i take them the way they come or do i have to add stuff and become a chemist... im not sure if the place im ordereing from is sending it to me ready to go or not... because it says for the 1GF-1LR3 that 1mg=1000mcg vial on it.. and its *** EDITED ***

    and then the PEG MGF(1GF-1Ec3) well it just says peptides... im really lost and really confused and would so appreciate it if someone would help me out and walk me through it... i know its prob a waste of yalls time but i got no other way of asking questions...

    also gyno question.. i heard letrozole is good... that same website has a 75mg 30 ml vial aqueous solution for $*** EDITED *** then where it explains about it talks about it being a powder... im so lost and need help!!!

    thank you very much!!!



  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    What you take and how much you take depends on what you want to achieve. So why don't you tell us your goals and we will tell you if you are on the right track.

    Even though some peptides can be purchased mixed, in most cases you will need a mixing solution to mix your product with. LR3 IGF-1 can be purchased mixed and unmixed, I have used both and found no difference. You need to speak with your source and ask them if your product requires mixing.

    Please forward all your PCT questions to the PCT forum and please no price discussions.

    We also have plenty of info here on all types of peptides so do use the search function.

    Good luck.


  3. #3
    WarEagleMan is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008
    suppose i need to mix it?? what do i mix it in and so on...

    also what would be good to go with it??

    thanks alot bro


  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Contact your source, tell them the product you have and ask them what mixing solution they recomend and mixing instructions.

    Anything can go with IGF, it just depends on what your goals are.

    Please use the search function as these questions have been answered many times. If you get stuck then continue this thread, but it does seem like you need to educate yourself a bit more.

    Good luck.


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