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  1. #1
    midnight777's Avatar
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    hgh storage question

    I am getting a bulk.. like 6 kits.. so do I need to mix everything up @ once and put in the fridge... I know it stays good for only a certain time.. I am buying one of those little dorm fridges for them...

  2. #2
    Bluerain is offline Female Member
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    Do not mix them all at once. Put them in fridge in their original form (Powder )
    and only mix them as you use them.

    After mixing a vial and you have some left after taking your dose put it back in the fridge.



  3. #3
    midnight777's Avatar
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    i was wondering if you can transport them.. Later down the road. I may have to inject @ work or so... I work from 10:30 am until 7pm. I might have to take a shot @ 2pm.. I can put a needle in tin foil wrapped up in my lunch bag in the fridge @ work. I wonder how much damage it would do for like 30 minutes getting from home to work. any suggestions..

  4. #4
    Peducho0113 is offline Senior Member
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    Get a container that can keep them cool, like a thermo, and put some ice in order to keep them cool.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluerain View Post
    Do not mix them all at once. Put them in fridge in their original form (Powder )
    and only mix them as you use them.

    After mixing a vial and you have some left after taking your dose put it back in the fridge.


    Exactly. If you mix them all then your power goes out, you may end up mad at the world. Not likely, but could happen.

  6. #6
    midnight777's Avatar
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    i would like to be able to take an injection around 2pm.. but I am @ work. Their is a few bathrooms where I can go that are pretty private. my problem is getting the stuff from home to work... any suggestions..

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    Are you taking 2 shots a day?

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluerain View Post
    Do not mix them all at once. Put them in fridge in their original form (Powder )
    and only mix them as you use them.

    After mixing a vial and you have some left after taking your dose put it back in the fridge.




  9. #9
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    youl be fine taking a shot at work. It will last several hours out of the fridge, aslong as the temperature isnt extreme. The foil/fridge idea sounds best though.

    Most types of GH will last up to 4 days in the fridge after being reconstituted with water

  10. #10
    midnight777's Avatar
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    what I am worried about is the 30 minutes it takes me to get from home to work. i will wrap a pre loaded pin and put in my lunch bag to put in the fridge @ work. so the 30 mins it takes me to get from home to work should not effect the hgh in the pin... then when I get to work I can keep the pin in my lunch bag.. take care..

  11. #11
    midnight777's Avatar
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    anybody???? thanks

  12. #12
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnight777 View Post
    what I am worried about is the 30 minutes it takes me to get from home to work. i will wrap a pre loaded pin and put in my lunch bag to put in the fridge @ work. so the 30 mins it takes me to get from home to work should not effect the hgh in the pin... then when I get to work I can keep the pin in my lunch bag.. take care..
    30min wont kill it unless its on your dashboard in direct sunlight during a 95 degree day. if you take the percautions you stated you will be fine. i assume you hgh comes in a 10iu vial so you should be shooting around 5ius a day which means 1 vial should last you 2 days so like everyone said just mix a new vial everytime you need it.

  13. #13
    2bshredded's Avatar
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    I like the thermos idea......I travel and when I fly home and still have leftover gh.....I use baggies filled with ice. It works but in the AZ heat and in a suitcase there have been times where it's not very cold when I hit the hotel at night.

    Thermos.....great idea, thanks for that post Pedo!

  14. #14
    midnight777's Avatar
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    i thought I would bump this.. I am taking my hgh to work with me I put it in a little thermal cup. I only live about 25 mins to work, then I put it in the fridge. Will this bother my hgh transporting it back and forth from home and work. because I have to bring the vial back home with hgh in it.

  15. #15
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    go to walmart and get one those insulated carrying mini-bags that come with a built-in (or that you can attach) ice pack/bag... that's how I transport mine's back and forth, when I have to travel more than 10miles to work/school.

  16. #16
    dannyboyleeds is offline New Member
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    just picked up on this

    ive been mixin 4 and leavin em in fridge and having 1 each day (sharing with friend) is 4 the max days it can be left in fridge all mixed

  17. #17
    hotpink's Avatar
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    just get a thermo cup, put ice in, and put it in the center of the cup. that way it stays cold to and from work and at work. I did that for my friend in the hospital and everything worked out fine.

  18. #18
    midnight777's Avatar
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    I have noticed that my hgh vials get shaken around transporting them back and forth will it this cause any damaged to them

  19. #19
    widowmaker2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnight777 View Post
    I have noticed that my hgh vials get shaken around transporting them back and forth will it this cause any damaged to them
    transporting them back and forth to where?? leave them in one spot. if they are not re-cond then yes you are risking damage to it.

  20. #20
    peptide's Avatar
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    There are lots of travel case options made for diabetics to carry their insulin that work great for carrying your HGH. I have a small travel wallet thats actually designed for insulin and works great. It has a pouch to hold a gel pack to keep everything cold as well as a place to hold pins and a couple of elastic loops to hold 10iu blue top vials.

  21. #21
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Load your pin at home so you only transport what you need. I do it every day. Use an insulated lunch bag and put it in the fridge at work.

  22. #22
    midnight777's Avatar
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    I usually just packed one vial in the little boxes I had and put it in a small snack plastic bag in the thermal cup I have,, Now I am going to wrap a loaded pin in plastic and tin foil and put it in my thermal cup... this should be quicker to at work when injecting...

  23. #23
    midnight777's Avatar
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    okay I am just taking a loaded pin to work.. I wrapped it in a plastic baggie and put tin foil around it and will keep it in the fridge @ work in a thermal cup. This should be okay???

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