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  1. #1
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Started LR3 IGF usage today

    40mcg Bi-laterally into the anterior forearms. Felt a little pain injecting the first side, might have been a higher consentration of AA in the front end of the needle? I wasn't sure so I hit that side with about 3/5ths of the shot and the other arm the remaining 2/5ths which I did not feel at all.

    This was my first time ever injecting anything into myself. I might go back to my original plan of using 2 needles instead of one. I changed my mind at the last minute because 2 ticks seemed so small I thought I might mess it up or something so I decided to draw 4 and use the same needle to hit both sides. I tried to shake it up well and flick the bubble from one end to the other, etc before injecting.

    I really screwed up though by not swabbing the 2nd injectiton site prior to injecting I hope I don't get an abscess

  2. #2
    beefjerky is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Was this pre-reconstituted when you got it?
    Did you load with BW?
    Did you forget to swab, or just didn't want to?

  3. #3
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by beefjerky View Post
    Was this pre-reconstituted when you got it?
    Did you load with BW?
    Did you forget to swab, or just didn't want to?

    It came lypholized, I reconstituted it myself with AA. After drawing up the IGF I drew in ~4.5x that ammt of BA and then did my best to mix it in the syringe.

    I did forget to swab. When I started to draw I had planned on using 2 separate pins, one for each arm. I had the arm I was going to pin already swabbed. When drawing 2 clicks seemes so small, I decided it would be better to draw 4 clicks and use one pin for both injections. So I drew 40mcg and then about 4.5x that in BA. I injected in the swabbed site, the went to the other arm and as soon as I stuck it in I realized I didn't swab it I injected figuring the damage had been done and swabbed afterwards hoping that might help in some way.

    This is not a mistake I will make again, I will just swab both sites before drawing anything. I would never just blow something like that off. I swabbed the whole tray i was working on, the bottle tops too.

    It was the change in decision to do both arms with the same pin midway through the process that screwed me up. I made a mistake b/c of that.

  4. #4
    beefjerky is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    I'd go for 2 pins from now on. They're so cheap, and the difference between you eyeing 2 and 4 clicks is negligible

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