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  1. #1
    IFR's Avatar
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    this years hgh cycle

    Just finnished a show and placed really well, moving on the nationals next. Question is would it be good to step up to 8iu a day on GH? meaning I been using 6iu for eight months, staged 253 contest, weigh 278 off season. I would like to add a bit more size and stage a little higher. Would the extra 2iu a day make that much difference? Also a side question, I do multiple HGH injections a day, should I save the insluin for one injection a day PWO? thanks

  2. #2
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    how tall r u

  3. #3
    IFR's Avatar
    IFR is offline Associate Member
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    6ft, right at 4%bf usualy sit around 10% 278lb

  4. #4
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    how old r u? not questioning weather u should do it or not just curious

  5. #5
    IFR's Avatar
    IFR is offline Associate Member
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    thats funny! I am 32 years old and getting younger

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by IFR View Post
    Just finnished a show and placed really well, moving on the nationals next. Question is would it be good to step up to 8iu a day on GH? meaning I been using 6iu for eight months, staged 253 contest, weigh 278 off season. I would like to add a bit more size and stage a little higher. Would the extra 2iu a day make that much difference? Also a side question, I do multiple HGH injections a day, should I save the insluin for one injection a day PWO? thanks
    Hey IFR, congrats on getting a place. I guess all the hard work is paying off.

    Going from 6 - 8IU is quite an increase, and if you felt fine taking 6IU then there is no reason not to increase the dose especially if you are after more muscle mass. When you do increase the dose I suggest you increase the dose by no more than 1IU at a time.

    I always take insulin PWO as insulin is mostly beneficial around that time.

    Good luck and let's see some photos.


  7. #7
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    I am not so sure that the jump from 6 to 8 IU's would be THAT noticeable, but the jump from 6 to 10 IU's per day would certainly help you on your way if you can float it (assuming we are talking about import generics and not domestic name brand). If you are talking about Humatrope, Genotropin, or something along those lines, the jump from 6 to 8 IU's will definitely yield some nice results.

    I split my injections up into 5 IU's a piece, timing them at 4am, 9:00am, and if I ran a third (my last couple of cycles were @ 15 IU's a day) at around the time of my workout at 1:00pm.

    I always reserved my 15 IU's of insulin for one injection immediately PWO after I dropped the last weight. In my estimation that is the way to get the best benefit from it. The only time I would consider the addition of some insulin at other times around my HGH injections would be if I were having blood glucose levels running really high ... in that case a couple of IU's of insulin should help keep those in check, though it complicates your nutrition plan just a skosh. For the most part, PWO only should work okay.

    In my estimation, a protocol somewhat like this will work well for you in getting a few extra pounds to step on stage at the nationals. Using 10 IU's of the import HGH's makes a big difference as far as the muscle building aspect of it. It is costly enough that certainly I wouldn't recommend it to an occasional athlete for general purposes, but for a competitive athlete breaking into national level competition, it will certainly help.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 06-29-2008 at 04:50 PM.

  8. #8
    PT's Avatar
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    i do the same thing but with 10ius of slin. i shoot in my car as soon as i walk out of my club. as for the hgh, i would increase by 1iu every 2 weeks. if your moving on to the nationals then you will need the slin and the hgh to compete up there so go for it bro. good luck

  9. #9
    IFR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    there is no reason not to increase the dose especially if you are after more muscle mass.
    Thanks for the info guys, I have been thinking of 10iu a day but havent gotten to that spot yet. I use Chinese blue tops and not domestic. As with your post Gear, I do not understand what you mean by that. Are you saying that I can increase muscle mass if I stay at 6iu for a longer period of time? I assume 8iu would put on more size. I will follow you insulin advice guys, I have been using 10iu POW and just wondered if I should change it up. Let me get the pictures from the photo guy (show was yesterday) and ill post them

  10. #10
    IFR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron View Post
    I am not so sure that the jump from 6 to 8 IU's would be THAT noticeable, but the jump from 6 to 10 IU's per day would certainly help
    This is what I was thinking all along!

  11. #11
    Mr.Clean69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Hey IFR, congrats on getting a place. I guess all the hard work is paying off.

    Going from 6 - 8IU is quite an increase, and if you felt fine taking 6IU then there is no reason not to increase the dose especially if you are after more muscle mass. When you do increase the dose I suggest you increase the dose by no more than 1IU at a time.

    I always take insulin PWO as insulin is mostly beneficial around that time.

    Good luck and let's see some photos.

    Yeah Gear said a mouth full there

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IFR View Post
    Thanks for the info guys, I have been thinking of 10iu a day but havent gotten to that spot yet. I use Chinese blue tops and not domestic. As with your post Gear, I do not understand what you mean by that. Are you saying that I can increase muscle mass if I stay at 6iu for a longer period of time? I assume 8iu would put on more size. I will follow you insulin advice guys, I have been using 10iu POW and just wondered if I should change it up. Let me get the pictures from the photo guy (show was yesterday) and ill post them
    I meant if you were using 6IU with success (meaning minimum sides and good gains) but you are after more results (muscle gains) then go ahead and increase your HGH dose to 8IU and see how that feels.

    As Baron mentioned, with these Chinese brands jumping from 6 - 8IU may not make that much of a difference but you won't know till you try, however if you are using pharma grade stuff then once again I believe going to 8IU from 6IU should defenitely create some noticable gains.


  13. #13
    IFR's Avatar
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    sounds good, ill give it a try and see what happens.

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