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  1. #1
    Bleeze's Avatar
    Bleeze is offline Associate Member
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    Cool hgh Side effects?

    im thinking of doin a growth cycle but wanted to know the side effects. I read you can get numbness and other stuff like that. Dosent sound bad, but has anyone heard of organs growing or other bad things like that? I know a few people who do it alot and do it with orther anabolics. Looks like some of them hav e grown a wider jaw. If these thing are posible at what dosage does this occur? What would be a safe Dosage?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Organ growth in appears when using HGH for many years at very high doses. It's not something to worry about if you are trying HGH for the first time. The most you may experience is water retention and joint pain.

    Unless you have HGH prescribed for medical reasons then there is no "safe" dose. Everyone is different when it comes to this. Most will use 2 - 10IU and not experience any major sides, however this being your first time with HGH I suggest you start on a very low dose. The amount you take also depends on your age and goals.

    You have a lot of reading to do and by the sounds of it you are not ready to start using HGH.

    Good luck either way.


  3. #3
    Bleeze's Avatar
    Bleeze is offline Associate Member
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    thanks, i jutting got a off a good anabolic cycle, so i wanna wait at least 6 months. when u ius, like if i wanted to do 4, is that a week? so i would break up 4 ius throughtout the week? i know a good deal about anabloics but not much about hgh. also taking test w hgh, creates a synergy. , will you get the same effect w decca or dbol ?

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    No, it's p/day. And AAS play a different role to HGH so the effect won't be the same as when taking deca /dbol .


  5. #5
    Deio's Avatar
    Deio is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleeze View Post
    Looks like some of them hav e grown a wider jaw. If these thing are posible at what dosage does this occur? What would be a safe Dosage?

    thanks in advance
    Are you sure that it's not their jaw muscles that has grown? Anyways, bone growth is known as a side effect from HGH, but only in high doses after many years of usage. Also some may be more exposed than others.

  6. #6
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deio View Post
    Are you sure that it's not their jaw muscles that has grown? Anyways, bone growth is known as a side effect from HGH, but only in high doses after many years of usage. Also some may be more exposed than others.
    i thought that bone growth only happens if you take it to Young

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