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  1. #1
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    first time insulin user...

    stats are:
    24 years old
    6 foot tall
    213lbs as of today
    10%bf as of today

    i was thinking of running this cycle next:
    humalog or humulin r starting at 4iu's and working my way up to 10iu's a day post workout only on days i work out for 3-4weeks on 3-4weeks off and so on for 10 weeks

    test prop 100mg ed for 10 weeks

    anadrol 100mg ed for 6 weeks or d-bol

    clomid and nolva for pct...

    does this look good?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Run insulin through PCT as well.


  4. #4
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    haha thank you gear... thats what i like to hear! im totally excited for this cycle!

  5. #5
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    let me see if i have this right....

    i start off with 4iu's on my first work out day and continue to bump it up 1iu every workout day utill i reach 10iu's....i eat 10 grams of carbs for every i.u. i take right after i take the shot (a carb shake with protien), and another shake 2hours later when i peak from insulin . before the first hour passes after shot eat a good meal with high protien low fat w/carbs. do not fall asleep 4-6 hours after i take the shot. do 4 weeks on and 3 weeks off. do not drink alcohol or use any recreation drugs while cycling insulin. 0-little fat intake 4-6hours after you take the shot. and must haves to have on hand are simple carbs, and glucagen. take 55 grams of createan with every carb shake after you inject insulin. captopril and or hca on hand to help fight fat gains. do not take insulin on days off..... this is all for humulin r insulin. oh yeah and use u-100 slin pins.

  6. #6
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    Wish you luck with your cycle, I'll be watching this tread. Insulin sounds like something that I would like to try one day.

  7. #7
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    stats are:
    24 years old
    6 foot tall
    213lbs as of today
    10%bf as of today
    Telling by your stats, you might still have some natural growing to do. Be definitely certain you want to use steroids - maybe think twice. It might be best to get the natural growth in before using the steroids .

    If you increased your diet a bit you could grow some more naturally if you wanted.. Try to maximize your natural potential before throwing steroids into play

  8. #8
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    i have taken 2 bulk cycles in the past.. test c, decca and d-bol, and test e decca and d-bol.

  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    i start off with 4iu's on my first work out day and continue to bump it up 1iu every workout day utill i reach 10iu's....i eat 10 grams of carbs for every i.u. i take right after i take the shot

    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    (a carb shake with protien), and another shake 2hours later when i peak from insulin.

    Immidietly post injection take your carbs, then 15min later take your protein. 1.25hrs later have a meal (carb/pro) then 2hrs later have another mean (carb/pro).

    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    do not fall asleep 4-6 hours after i take the shot. do 4 weeks on and 3 weeks off. do not drink alcohol or use any recreation drugs while cycling insulin. 0-little fat intake 4-6hours after you take the shot. and must haves to have on hand are simple carbs

    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    this is all for humulin r insulin. oh yeah and use u-100 slin pins.
    No, humalog, novolog or novorapid (any rapid acting insulin ), not humalin-r


  10. #10
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    thanks gear...your input is always apriciated.

  11. #11
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    stats are:
    24 years old
    6 foot tall
    213lbs as of today
    10%bf as of today

    i was thinking of running this cycle next:
    humalog or humulin r starting at 4iu's and working my way up to 10iu's a day post workout only on days i work out for 3-4weeks on 3-4weeks off and so on for 10 weeks

    test prop 100mg ed for 10 weeks

    anadrol 100mg ed for 6 weeks or d-bol

    clomid and nolva for pct...

    does this look good?
    has anyone ran this cycle or a similar one to this? if so what kind of gains did you get and how much weight did you gain?

  12. #12
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    has anyone ran this cycle or a similar one to this? if so what kind of gains did you get and how much weight did you gain?
    you could easily put 15lbs of lean tissue on you, maybe even 20

    thats a pretty powerful cycle, especially with that much anadrol

  13. #13
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You will get heaps of water retention when using that much drol, but you will also gain a lot of strength and weight too.


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