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Thread: HGH and IGF-1

  1. #1
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    HGH and IGF-1

    My stats of course....
    32 years old. 6' tall. 210-213 lbs. 15% body fat(on test cycle).

    I just completed my second cycle. First and second were only testosterone based, for 12 weeks. Proper PCT. HCG , Clomid and Novaldex.

    My goals now are to lean out for the summer and then beggining re-bulking in october for next summer. I want to retain and gain on the muscle mass that I have and reduce the body fat down to 10%.

    I am keeping my regular workout regimine, adjusting my diet. I am taking 2.5iu of HGH and wanted to add IGF-1.

    Although both substances are similar they are different. I was told that they would be reddundant if run togethor and wasteful? Others say that the two must be run togethor to achive good results?

    what is the answer?

    What is the reccomended dosage. I was thinking another 2.5iu/day of the igf-1 for 40 days and then off for 40....Then run the HGH for 1 year.

  2. #2
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
    Flex-Appeal is offline Senior Member
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    2.5iu ummm? Igf-1 is measured in mcg. I'd suggest you start off at 25mcg bi laterally.
    Igf-1 added to slin is good especially if it's real igf-1 not that lr3.

  3. #3
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    yes it is in mcg. Just thought it was just like everything else that we mix, measured in iu's. What do you mean by bi laterally?

    So is it redundant or will i see more muscle gains from gh and igf-1 togethor.

    Slin refers to? HGH or Insulin ? I always assume insulin.

  4. #4
    wrathchild212 is offline Associate Member
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    yes slin refers to insulin ..well im taking 4 ius of hgh and 50 mcg of igf-1 together..and im seeing very good results..i dont like to take slin cuz its very risky..u really have to knw wat ur doing when ur using slin..

  5. #5
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
    Flex-Appeal is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LizzardSecond View Post
    yes it is in mcg. Just thought it was just like everything else that we mix, measured in iu's. What do you mean by bi laterally?

    So is it redundant or will i see more muscle gains from gh and igf-1 togethor.

    Slin refers to? HGH or Insulin? I always assume insulin.
    You do measure the igf-1 with a slinpin which is measured in IU
    Bi laterally means 25 in one bicep and 25 in another. You shoot the muscle just trained

    Yes you should see more gains with them together hence the synergy

    Slin refers to insulin .

  6. #6
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    Is it a sub-q injection or a intramuscular injection?

    Please explain.

  7. #7
    gbgadriano is offline Junior Member
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    sometimes when i injected in biceps i hit a vein... **** make a horrible mark... bi-laterally u guys means biceps at lateral?? not in front.. cus i was shotting front..


  8. #8
    gbgadriano is offline Junior Member
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    if im wrong.. some1 can help how to inject that.. thanks
    Last edited by gbgadriano; 03-28-2009 at 12:55 AM.

  9. #9
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    Some one please explain how the IGF1 is injected. I don't understand. Intramuscular with a slin pin?

  10. #10
    Muselz's Avatar
    Muselz is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, IGF1 is injected intramuscular with a slin pin.

  11. #11
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    So now after it is in a slin pin I have to inject half the dosage in my right bicep and the other half in the other bicep? Sorry if I sound like an idiot. I just must be sure before I do something. I like to play it safe.

    What size slin pin? Regular 1/2"?

  12. #12
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    is good especially if it's real igf-1 not that lr3.

    isnt regular igf-1 only good for like an hour after you mix it?? im still trying to gather info on this stuff. but everything ive read, says that igf-1 is basically useless to your body, since its broken down, before it can be used. thats why they came out with the long chain stuff, isnt it??

  13. #13
    Cazadore is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    2.5iu ummm? Igf-1 is measured in mcg. I'd suggest you start off at 25mcg bi laterally.
    Igf-1 added to slin is good especially if it's real igf-1 not that lr3.
    Whats wrong with the Lr3? I just bought some fro ARR.

  14. #14
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    LR3IGF-1 and HGH can work synergistically together. Growth hormone allows for mobilization of adipose, LR3IGF-1 is a good glucose disposal agent. So GH mobilizes fat stores for energy, LR3 prevents excess glucose from being stored. With this mechanism you can eat more calories to build and sustain lean body mass while burning fat at the same time. The LR3 you can inject either subq or IM, in my experience it doesn't make a difference. IM pre-workout does make for a nice pump though.

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