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  1. #1
    fm2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Need help w/ adverse side effects from HGH

    A friend and I are on HGH from China, Hige that we bought together. Same batch, same company, same everything as far as I know. I've been on it for 6-7 weeks and although I haven't tested my blood yet (will in about 2 weeks) I can say for 99% it's good stuff. Had some initial joint discomfort and about week 5 started to really feel it and week 6 started to loose weight. All good signs it's the real stuff. No injection point redness or any unwanted sides.

    My friend didn't start until later. He's been on it for less than 2 weeks. Yesterday he came over to show me a problem he's having. On every injection point; stomach and thighs he has redness, swelling and even bruising. He's alcohol swabbing the injection point, the top of the vial and using a new needle each and every time. He's also storing it at the proper temperature.

    I'm perplexed. My stuff seems to be great and his ?????

    Any thoughts ?

  2. #2
    CrazyHorse89's Avatar
    CrazyHorse89 is offline Junior Member
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    Your sides sound normal..tell ur budy to try IM injections to if the swelling stops

  3. #3
    ciscoccie's Avatar
    ciscoccie is offline Junior Member
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    I'm having the same side effects of your friend, right now I'm using generic blue tops, 2iu a day for about 3 weeks, every time a new need needle and alcohol swabs, my sides are the area injected are sore and a little red also it feels like small hard round circle under the skin.
    I decide to stop and now I'm ordering brand name Serostim to make a comparison.
    best of luck
    Last edited by ciscoccie; 05-19-2009 at 03:50 PM.

  4. #4
    ciscoccie's Avatar
    ciscoccie is offline Junior Member
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    I just talk with my supplier and he told me that sometimes the HGH is too strong and can cause this type of side effect in some people. He instruct me to instead of adding 10cc of BW on a 10iu vial, add 15cc, making the mixture a little weeaker, this will solve the side effects. So I will try that...

  5. #5
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You could be developing antibodies to the 192aa.

  6. #6
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Te injection site redness and swelling typically goes away after a couple of weeks. Pretty normal with generic GH.

  7. #7
    TODouble2's Avatar
    TODouble2 is offline Associate Member
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    i had a friend who had this problem with the sterile water that came with his kit... he switched to bateriostatic water and it went away. i always use bac water

  8. #8
    drew489 is offline New Member
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    yes, using BAC water makes that go away.

    I was using distilled water and it was causing pain after each injection.

  9. #9
    xhooker's Avatar
    xhooker is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the help - I'm the guy FM2002 posted about.

    Never the had the welts / lumps and slight soreness from the first 3 injections.
    Have now been injecting deeper at 90deg and doubled up on the water to .2ml per iu.

    They seem to be getting a little worse, next will try injecting im and as
    In Thailand can not buy B/W so will try adding B12 to the blue tops.

  10. #10
    xhooker's Avatar
    xhooker is offline New Member
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    If the im don't work thinking of cashing my blue tops and buying "FDA" 191aa in France.
    With my Thai Doctors prescription ??????????????

  11. #11
    xhooker's Avatar
    xhooker is offline New Member
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    Problem Solved

    Thanks for the advise Smithjp1 now mixing with B12 and injecting the thighs
    without any adverse results.
    Just a bit harder on the head pushing a 1.25" 23g needle fully into the leg compared to a 31g 1/2' to Fat on the stomach.
    Thanks to all that tried to help for your time and advise.

  12. #12
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    I recently switched over to HGH from a different supplier and had discomfort and bruising. I feel that it is effective though, as I have a similar reaction as my original product in my joints. Both suppliers were generic Chinese blue tops.

    I injected my original product straight out of the refrigerator, no problem. When I had problems with this new product, I warmed it up by running warm water over the syringe for a minute or two, right before my injection. That fixed the problem and my injections have been comfortable and normal.

    I suspect that this product may be 192, but I really don't have any way to know. I'd like to have a blood test done (the HGH passed a pregnancy stick test) but that's not in my budget now. I expect that I will change suppliers and will have a blood test done then.

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