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  1. #1
    BigPimpn is offline New Member
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    Jun 2005

    NEED Help, Expired IGF-LR3

    Need some professional opinions, I purchased a couple bottles of IGF about 1 1/2- to 2 years ago and had a horrible injury which resulted in surgeries and no lifting for quite some time. I started lifting again about 3 months ago, very steady, good routine, solid diet, etc... The expiration date on the IGF in 5/09, I have kept it in the fridge for the entire time, You guys think it will still be good? or should I probably just can it and buy some new shit? Any advice would be great.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Gym
    Since the expiration is that close, I personally would go ahead and give it a go. If it were grossly out of date, I would probably just toss it, but it sounds like your really close with what you have. If you use it now, it is probably going to still work just fine ... no 100% guarantee, but the chances are really good that it will be just fine, especially given you have stored it in about as ideal of conditions as is possible.

  3. #3
    BigPimpn is offline New Member
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    Jun 2005
    yea, thanks man. I kind of felt the same way, I just wasn't sure if anyone knew something that I didn't. So far so good, the last week taken 5 on 2 off on work out days, seems to be as good as gold. At the moment, Im just trying to use it more to rebuild anything not completely healed from prior injury before I start my aas cycle.

  4. #4
    jos is offline New Member
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    Hi guys - same situation, longer time frame. I acquired some IGF1-LR3 about 18 months ago and - for various reasons - have not been able to use it. The label says it expired on 01/2009. It has been refrigerated the entire time.

    I am planning on starting this (finally) this week. My recollection of expired pharma is that the strength may be reduced.

    Are there any other concerns I should have with this?

    Thanks for any insight you have.

  5. #5
    toothache's Avatar
    toothache is offline Senior Member
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    I'm sure they are fine.

  6. #6
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    If the IGF has lsot potency, it's no problem just use it. If the IGF has grown bacteria you're gonna be in trouble. If they've been stored in the frig dry, most likely it'll be no problem. You're still taking a chance. Is it worth it?

  7. #7
    jos is offline New Member
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    In dry, sterile, refrigerated containers. I am confident it is OK. Was more worried about the decomp of the medication and if there were any issues (such as the compound shifts to something toxic over time) other than diminished efficacy.


  8. #8
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Nah, don't worry about the decomp of IGF in the frig. I'll lose some potency but because it has zero or near zero moisture it'll be fine.

  9. #9
    kemically enhanced is offline New Member
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    hi everyone im new here and was wondering if anyone can assist me with my question about ghrp 6 as ive been researching it for a little while now and was wondering if this peptide is detectable in a urine test or what types of drug tests can be performed to verify usage,is it detectable? aslo i have researched that its half life is bout 55 mins but how long is it detectable in your system? thanks

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