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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Your experience/results from slin

    Just wondering what your personal experiences from using slin were like. do you feel it was very beneficial, lbs gained? Were u using aas or hgh at the time? What worked best for you?? Please state if u were only using it pwo or mornings aswell or whatever

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    huh maybe only the real hardcore guys use it i thought it was pretty popular

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    Quite honestly insulin has a place as part of an advanced bodybuilding cycle, or as part of a cycle involving HGH, but just in general I think you will find it unnecessary and something that isn't going to yield stellar results.

    When you start out in a bodybuilding endeavor, your body is actually pretty well equipped to grow quite a bit with very little help ... adequate protein and carbs, sufficient rest and sleep to grow and repair, and sufficiently challenging weights to tear things down. That will do the trick for a good amount of time.

    Next phase you body is going to have grown about all is is going to without assist, so we add increasingly complex AAS cycles to the mix to goad it into more growth.

    The last step of the way we are using peptides to get that last bit of growth. At this point insulin becomes something very viable as part of an overall plan. Insulin in bodybuilding terms does two things for you. It forces nutrients into our muscles to get us back into a repair/recovery state after hard workouts, and it keeps our blood glucose levels at sane amounts when we are using substances that will cause our levels to rise. Also insulin and HGH processing through the liver aid in higher growth factor levels.

    This is the problem with quantifying a gain from "just" insulin. A LOT of people have tried insulin and haven't gained diddly squat from it, and wrote it off as a waste and hype. On its own, you could gain weight ... by its ability to instruct your body to store every single drop of nutrients that enter your body, but that weight gain comes mostly in the form of fat ... something we DON'T want. At advanced levels of bodybuilding though, we need to force nutrients into the muscles at supraphysiologic levels ... our body is fighting us to not stay so big ... we weren't intended to be packing that much beef ... so in that regard insulin (as well as HGH and other such things) have helped modern day bodybuilders dwarf the professionals of old.

    So I would say that when you reach a level in your bodybuilding that insulin is needed, it is truly a worthy addition. Until then, honestly I wouldn't bother. It just isn't going to do any great wonders for you at that stage. I have used insulin pretty extensively, but only late in my development, and in conjunction with other peptides. I couldn't really isolate how much of that last bit of gain was directly related to insulin ... I can only say it has worked well as part of the overall program. I have no doubt as well though, that had I of added it into the mix too early, or without having a well thought out plan, that I would share many other long time bodybuilder's views on many forums that is was a waste of time and money. The timing of the injections for the most part have been immediately PWO, workout days only. The specifics beyond that have really depended on the rest of the program, and what the goal for the year has been. Hope that helps quantify it as least a little bit.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 09-05-2009 at 05:23 PM.

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