My measures:

Age: 23
Arms: 49,5 cm
legs: 72 cm
BF: 15%
Cycle xprce: 2

(On off-season)

My cycle: (pré-cutting)

HGH 1-12 - 2ui EOD
D-bol 1-4 - 40 mg ED
T. Enanthate 1-12 500mg/week
Equipoise 4-11 400/week

Clem 6ml/day 2 days on 2 days off.

I'm ending my cycle in 2 weeks... I'll do a bridge bet. cycles with that cycle with D-bol:

How a Do it?

(Last cycle: cypionate 1-12; deca 1-10; drol 1-4)

14 days after the last cypionate injection? With Novaldex (novaldex+dbol )

Or in the next day I already start?
