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  1. #1
    BUDGIE is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2005

    first time on igf

    IM about to start a igf cycle,but the info on every site is so different,ive got the igf ready its te past 6month i did a steroid cycle which i stopped 2 mont ago,since then ive been doing hgh @8iu/pd and i did that for 16week stopping 3week ago. im now ready to do igf but ive read doses ranging from 11mcg p/d to 100mcg/p/d.could anyone give there experiences for 1st time,on doses and when to take it. also would i be better taking a course of steroids alongside the igf

  2. #2
    ryankely is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009
    In theory Igf-1 is designed to multiply cells. So you could run it for several months,make more cells,than do a cycle to volumize those cells,again this is in theory.80mcg/day seems to be the reported dose that works.Take right after workout. IM or Sub-q makes no difference.

  3. #3
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    College Station
    I've ran it a couple times different ways(morning and pwo and then just pwo). I personally like 100-150mcg pwo. Since you've never tried it I think u should start at 60-80mcg and see how thing go before bumping it up. You do t have to be on cycle to see results. Hope that helps and good luck.

  4. #4
    BUDGIE is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2005
    im going to start at 60mcg pwo. does this sound ok?

  5. #5
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    College Station

  6. #6
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    I've also read a lot of conflicting dosages on this forum. I have done a lot of reading and came up with my own conclusion. First, the best time to pin IGF is IMMEDIATELY after workout and up to 1hr PWO. It seems that there is a difference in cellular growth if IGF is injected 5 minutes PWO versus 1hr PWO. So pin just as soon as you're done working out. Second, 100mcg/ed for 30 days is not good for the body. IGF receptors in the body will down grade soon after absorbing IGF and about an hour after workout. It take a couple of days for the IGF receptors to reset. The muscles cannot absorb 100mcg/ed so the excess floats in the body looking for IGF receptors. The most abundant IGF receptors are in the intestines. At 100mcg/ed there is a LOT of IGF that will find it's way into the intestines and they will grow and grow. You might not see them for three or four months but you will over time. At 50mcg three times per week PWO most of the IGF will be absorbed by the muscles and cause cellular growth. Very little will make its way to the intestines. I favor the more conservative approach to IGF usage.

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